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Meaning of Ninomiya 2012/5/3 14:08
When I attended a Japanese Language school as a kid, I picked a Japanese last name to make things easier (How and Why? I do not remember). That name was "Ninomiya (二宮). I've used it since, whenever I come to Japan. I never really actually investigated the meaning of the last name. To my understanding, it is the name of a shrine and can also mean "second shrine". All my friends in Japan call me by this last name. Does this last name have another meaning? Like if I present myself as MaruMaru Ninomiya, will they be "Oh my gosh, why does she have THAT last name?"
Thanks :D
by guest (guest)  

Re: Meaning of Ninomiya 2012/5/3 16:46
If you are not a Japanese, it should always sound wierd. It is very much common name of people, cities and/or towns.

Ni means second/secondary.
Miya means prince/princess, otherwise shrine. Shrines are the places of god/goddess for worship. So it sounds equvalent to prince/princess of emperor families.

But if you look like a Japanese and you name yourself Ninomiya, it sounds OK. nobody thinks you are a princes.

If you look like a Gaga and you say you are Ninomiya, it sounds funny.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Meaning of Ninomiya 2012/5/4 03:27
Look up & google translate this.
by ay (guest) rate this post as useful

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