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Sake breweries near Tokyo 2012/5/9 10:50
Are there sake breweries withing 45-60 min from Tokyo?
by Julia (guest)  

Re: Sake breweries near Tokyo 2012/5/9 12:23
Our house was next to a sake brewery(closed since) and my relative used to work and I used to play in there watching men work and smelling koji and eating the sake waste paste and pickled vege.
I still can smell it in my head.
The town still have some sake breweries and open for walk through. And the sake festival is held in Feb., the largest in Kyushu.
But it is located in Jyojima town in Kurume city, Fukuoka, Kyushu, far from Tokyo, sorry.
by amazinga (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Sake breweries near Tokyo 2012/5/9 14:25
There is one in Kawagoe, 30 minute train ride (Tojo line) away from Ikebukuro. Kagamiyama is it. I guess I tried their sake some time in the past at a restaurant and found it good. But I am not sure if any tour is available. You can buy fresh sake there though. Actually it is not the season of brewing sake, so there is nothing to see but big metalic boring tanks or something...
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

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