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Battery instruction 2012/5/10 19:37
Hi! I bought a battery online and the seller emailed me this:


I understand a bit but I'm not sure wether upon the arrival of the battery I should charge it full immediately or should I first use the battery and drain it to empty?

by ctrlalt (guest)  

Re: Battery instruction 2012/5/11 08:52

You should charge it fully, use it normally until it's fully exhausted, and then repeat this process three to five times. Pretty normal for most Ni-MH batteries.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Battery instruction 2012/5/11 23:05
Strange. What do you do after 3-5 times of charging and discharging by normal use? lol.
Technically, the instruction is not correct.
Any batteries have a certain discharge threshold & should not be discharged completely or they can no longer be recharged fully or even die prematurely. Just use normally.
by amazinga (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Battery instruction 2012/5/12 09:48
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Battery instruction 2012/5/12 12:50
My point is the instruction says この充放電の繰り返しを3回〜5回する。then what do you do after that?
I hope it lasts hundreds of charging/discharging after initial full charge.
Also we are not talking the same. I said "should not be discharged completely" which is different from the statement you linked. Your link is talking about "completely discharging" but under normal usage until the electronics stop working(~1.0V on 1.2V NiMH). I am talking about down to zero volt , then it will be damaged as I have done many times doing my
See under Notes & Tips.
by amazinga (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Battery instruction 2012/5/12 16:33
My point is the instruction says この充放電の繰り返しを3回〜5回する。then what do you do after that?

Then you use it and charge as normal (without a full discharge cycle between charges), pretty standard stuff with recyclable batteries for the past decade or two.

Also we are not talking the same. I said "should not be discharged completely" which is different from the statement you linked. Your link is talking about "completely discharging" but under normal usage until the electronics stop working(~1.0V on 1.2V NiMH). I am talking about down to zero volt , then it will be damaged as I have done many times doing my

The confusion is because you are referring to "completely discharging" a battery in a way that is different than how it is understood in common usage. To the typical user, completely discharging a battery means operating the device under normal use until it stops working, not bringing the batteries down to zero volts.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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