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Japanese reading of my name (Chinese)? 2012/5/12 17:04
Hi, my name is 曽美麗 and I have read through some topics here about converting Chinese names into Japanese ones.

I was told you could possibly read it as 「そう みれい」...? I'm not sure if my name is even meaningful in Japanese, or if it looks like a name.

I don't know if my name is any different, but is it possible to read it in Kun'yomi without forcing it too much?

Thank you!
by mlzeng (guest)  

Re: Japanese reading of my name (Chinese)? 2012/5/13 02:06
I think your name is そう みれい in Japan.
by curryman rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese reading of my name (Chinese)? 2012/5/14 09:52
美麗 does look and sound like a name in Japanese- I have a Japanese friend called Mirei, although her name is written in hiragana rather than kanji.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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