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Self-Lesson Structure/Build 2012/5/17 03:35

I have been studying Japanese language for over a month now and feel as if i need to create a certain Lesson build for myself.

Learning Japanese is something i'm taking seriously (probably the first thing in my life) I have always been one to say 'Wow that's cool' etc and then go to try it, stick it out for a few days/hours, and then forget about it.

As for learning Japanese this is very different. For one i have not lost interest in over a month, and since i have started i have studied everyday! using various resources on the web, and through books. Even today i have a 'hunger' to learn more...

Within the first 4 days i learnt ひらがな、and かたかな, i then moved onto basic particles such as は、が、の、も and things like です、います、あります... You get the drift.

Well all i want to know really is how to go from here.
And also when i should start worrying about Kanji? I have 'A Guide to Reading Japanese' for Kanji but have not started yet.

by jordanwalker94  

Re: Self-Lesson Structure/Build 2012/5/17 09:40
Do you happen to have access to Japanese language course textbooks, such as Japanese for Busy People, or Genki series, or something else, that is used in schools? It would be helpful to see full sentences used in simple dialogues (which these books often do). And they add a bit more grammar in each lesson, so you can progress in stages.

As for kanji, they will appear in such books as you expand your vocabulary. Enjoy learning :)
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Self-Lesson Structure/Build 2012/5/17 15:37
I use a free Japanese site called They have a progressive book series, live chat, and plenty of great members that I absolutely love! It's a great community and you can ask questions to the teachers and they answer pretty quickly~
by KoMiyavi rate this post as useful

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