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Translating image of Japanese calligraphy 2012/5/17 05:06
It's two sake sets for a friend and to decide between them, I'd quite like to know what it says on them.

Thank you!
by Sally (guest)  

Re: Translating image of Japanese calligraphy 2012/5/17 09:34
The second one (the simpler looking one) simply says "sake" in a circle.
I cannot decipher the first one. It looks a bit too cluttered to be real.
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Extra images 2012/5/17 21:03
by Sally (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translating image of Japanese calligraphy 2012/5/17 23:05
I guess first line is แก“ัŽqŒŽ(mizunoto tori ne zuki).

This means "November 1993" or "November 1933" written in Sexagenary cycle.
by __ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Translating image of Japanese calligraphy 2012/5/18 02:16
Also the second one is made in Japan while the first is made in China. Nothing against China but if I'm buying a sake set I'd like it to be Japanese.
by Stan Norrell rate this post as useful

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