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Cartoon Hiroshima/Miyajima girl 2012/5/20 07:51
Could someone please identify this character I saw on banners in both Hiroshima and Miyajima?

Thank you!
by John B digs Japan  

Re: Cartoon Hiroshima/Miyajima girl 2012/5/20 09:35
I did some quick digging on Google and it seems it's some kind of PR mascot called "Hiroshima Kiyomori". Probably tied to Taira no Kiyomori, the powerful leader responsible for building Itsukushima Shrine at Miyajima. Didn't really read much on it, but maybe now that you know the name you can find out more.
by Smithers rate this post as useful

Re: Cartoon Hiroshima/Miyajima girl 2012/5/20 09:41
Yes, as said by the earlier poster, it's a mascot/character "Hiroshima Kiyomori,"
designed/used by Hiroshima Prefecture's promotion council for the historical drama "Kiyomori Taira."

Currently NHK (TV station in Japan) is running this drama "Kiyomori Taira":
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Cartoon Hiroshima/Miyajima girl 2012/5/20 09:43
video of the mascot in a parade haha
by Smithers rate this post as useful

Re: Cartoon Hiroshima/Miyajima girl 2012/5/20 09:48
Thank you both! I will do further research!
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

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