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Help with this sentence 2012/5/21 21:02
Hi !

i need help with my Japanese here is sentence ( i type this in romaji): Tokyo hoteru wa ii hoteru desu ka? Then the answer what is good:
1. Iie ii hoteru dewa arimasen.
2. Iie yokunai hoteru desu.

Which is better? Or is it both good?
by Itsmetess  

Re: Help with this sentence 2012/5/22 14:40
Both are very much same.

1 = it is not a good hotel.
2 = it is a no-good (=bad) hotel.

#1 does not say it is bad while #2 says it is bad.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Help with this sentence 2012/5/22 22:44
Thank you !
by Itsmetess rate this post as useful

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