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Tee Shirt - decipher meaning please! 2012/5/24 22:36
Hello there,
Can anyone please translate this Tee Shirt artwork for me?
Many thanks for your time:
by JayBizzle (guest)  

Re: Tee Shirt - decipher meaning please! 2012/5/25 10:51
The faint green writing at the top left says Tokyo (東京)

The vertical purple says Aoyama - Roppongi (青山・六本木) two districts in western Tokyo.

The orange writing seems kinda strange. It says China Exhibition (中国展).

Also, the illustration looks to be done in a pseudo-Japanese style, but not actually Japanese. It has some funny things that stand out to me, particularly the pants don't look right and he is holding his sword wrong.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Tee Shirt - decipher meaning please! 2012/5/25 10:53

The print on the left says "Tokyo Aoyama - Roppongi" (two place names in Tokyo) and the print on the right says "China Exhibition". I've seen other T-shirts on the web with the same printing, and it appears to be random Japanese used for effect.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

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