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Help in translating a strange sentence 2012/5/24 23:37
Hi there!

A friend of mine asked me how to translate this sentence: ''I live as I believe to become what I want''

The same sentence can be said also in this way: ''I live the way I believe to become what I want'' or ''I live the way I want to become who I wish to be''

Feel free to ask me any question!

Thank you in advance!
by melacot (guest)  

Re: Help in translating a strange sentence 2012/5/25 10:52
What will it be used for? Is it for a tattoo?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Help in translating a strange sentence 2012/5/25 10:58

Try "自己流" (jikoryuu).
If it is to be used as a tattoo, make sure you get it printed in MS Mincho font and have at least one of the characters inverted for no obvious reason.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

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