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Nutella in Japan 2012/6/4 08:10
Do you know where you can buy Nutella in Japan?
by BorisPetrov  

... 2012/6/4 10:09
Costco should have it at least.
by GC3 rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/4 10:56
It is pretty easy to find online, but you can also sometimes find it at international food stores.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/4 16:17
While it's not rare at least it is not common for supermarkets to have Nutella. However, some normal supermarkets have Nutella, though the price is very expensive as compared to all other places in the world I've found this stuff :)
by Alexander (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/4 21:12
I've never seen Nutella in any supermarkets, during the last travel I brought it from home :-D
by geordie986 rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/5 08:01
In Tokyo at least, international food stores like Kaldi and Seijo Ishii usually have it.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/5 09:54
Can't say I've seen it at my local Costco (but their stock differs from store to store), but I have seen it at Kaldi and Marche.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/25 16:35
They definitely have it in stock at COSTCO, but if you can't go there, you can easily find one at the International Coffee stores inside malls like AEON mall. Any big mall should have an international coffee store (KALDI FARM) that stocks international goods.
by sweetboa22 rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/25 16:58

Which costco did you find it at? As mentioned the stock varies from store to store so you should mention where you found it.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/26 16:54
Just came from Costco Yawata where they had it.

You can also buy it online.
by ...CMK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/6/26 17:03
Seijo Ishii.
I bought one at Seijo Ishii.
by Renoka rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/7/10 10:23
I just found that Aeon mall markets (JUSCO) also carries the product near the Jam section (which tends to be next to the bakery section). To answer the other guy's question, the Costco right above Yokota Air Base carries the nutella.
by sweetboa22 rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/7/10 11:02
Just noticed the Costco in Maebashi now has it. I forgot the exact price but I think it was about 680 yen for a medium sized jar.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/7/11 05:11
I am sure you can find Nutella in LOFT-stores, but how already mentioned - pretty pricy!

by Luebzer rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/7/18 13:17
I often buy Nutella here in Tokyo at Inageya Supermarkets. Around 400 yen...
by Derek (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nutella in Japan 2012/7/19 04:24
I've seen it several times in Mon Marche in Amagasaki.
by chadbag rate this post as useful

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