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Tempeh day in Japan 2012/6/8 12:43
I read one of the local news this morning that said "there is tempeh day in Japan where all people must eat tempeh" is it true? If so what day it is?
here is tempeh(fermented soybean) if you don't know:
by boothag (guest)  

Re: Tempeh day in Japan 2012/6/8 16:08
Hi boothag

I'm a person living in Japan.

Someone told you wrong information, or you took it wrong.

There is no day in Japan where all people must eat tempeh. As far as I know, tempeh is an Indonasian food, not a Japapanse food.

If you image something like fermented soybeans, image a food like "natto."

Natto is a typical fermented soybean food loved by some parts of Japan.

Here are two images of natto:

Wikipedia: what is natto?

Natto has strong flavor, made from soybeans fermented with Nattokinase, a kind of effective micro-organism contained in every straw due to its strong flavor.

Don't think that all people living in Japan love to eat natto. Even some Japanese people can not eat it.
by dosanko100 rate this post as useful

Re: Tempeh day in Japan 2012/6/8 20:19
Thank you very much for the explanation :)

Now it's clear that the site tooks tempeh and natto wrongly. But I think no Natto day too in Japan right :D
by boothag (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Tempeh day in Japan 2012/6/8 20:39
I have heard that many American people think tempeh as a Japanese food, but this is a typical mistake in America. Be careful with wrong information. If you ask more question about Japanese foods, ask me freely.
by dosanko100 rate this post as useful

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