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Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/8 15:49
Hello japan guide no minnasan!

I'm Audrey, soon 19 years old.
Me and my sister (who is 20) having been planning on what we were going to do in Japan since last year.
I told her I would love to go check out the clubs over there and I wanted to know how old do we need to be to enter clubs?
In my area the legal age for everything is 18. (drinkings, bars, etc)
Also what is the legal age to drink?
Do you know any really awesome clubs in Japan tokyo?
You can name various! Even themed clubs.

Also, I was wondering if there was a host club with a vampire theme? (host dress as vampires and such) I heard a rumour of it but I wanted to confirm.
I know host clubs don't always cater to gaijins but curiousity got the best of me haha

ALSO, (damn I have many questions. w)
Which places are really fun to hang out/meet people because we would love to meet people and get to have fun with them! Maybe we should Nanpa? How does that even work?

You can add in your personal experiences!
I would love to read them!

ThanX! arigatou~
by audreyleunicorn  

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/8 19:13
The legal drinking age in Japan is the same as the age to be an adult, 20 years old. That said, I do not know how strictly this is enforced in Japan. If the police raid an establishment and you're still inside and aren't supposed to be, things can get difficult for you legally. I don't want to scare you, but it can happen.
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/9 03:14
the age is 20, but i have never heard of any of my friends being id checked.
by pete (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/9 04:21
I don't know anything about host bars, vampire or not, but if you like the darker stuff there are some goth club nights you could look in to. There are plenty of websites devoted to theme clubbing abroad - just have a good look round.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/10 00:12
I'd suggest that you look up the word 'nampa' in a dictionary before you use it.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/10 00:18
It's easy to drink in bars without ID (it's never checked), but clubs are a different story - I wouldn't plan on getting into any clubs unless you have ID that says you're twenty.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Age to enter clubs in Japan? other questions 2012/6/10 00:20
Host clubs generally don't welcome foreign guests unless they're introduced by a regular customer. Also, they tend to be very expensive.
by Umami Dearest (guest) rate this post as useful

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