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JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/18 12:35
I am planning for a trip to Asahiyama Zoo in Hokkaido. I know JR offers a package of "Asahiyama Zoo ticket". May I have a few questions on that?

1. Is it necessary to take the two trips (Sapporo to Asahikawa, and the return) allowed under the package in the same day? Can I just travel to Asahikawa on Day I, stay overnight there, and get back to Sapporo on another day?

2. Is it a pre-requisite for me to buy the package if I wish to board on the Zoo Train (the train decorated with animals cartoons)? Can I just buy a single ticket from Asahikawa to Sapporo to take the Zoo Train by paying the reserved seat fare?

3. If I depart from the New Chitose Airport, do I need to change train at Sapporo?

Thanks for your advice.

Rgds, Tony from HK.
by tony (guest)  

Re: JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/18 14:36

both special tickets Valid Period : 4 days
(Taxi plan[タクシープラン] is day trip only)


Zoo train all cars are resevred seat only[全車指定席],
but add reserved seat fee 510Y(310Y/710Y *1)/one way
and booking JR Shin-chitose AP stn possible(landing day).
*1: off season / high season[7/20-8/20]

but Zoo train operate one round only per day.


Yes,but to Sappporo must ride [快速/rapid(except reserved seat)] or [普通/local] or train only.
and can stop over(ticket gate out[途中下車]) at JR Sapporo stn.
(if u have transfer time enough.if out ask gate staff easy)
by Poplar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/18 18:44
Thank you very much for the prompt answer. It is very useful. May I ask for more information as follows?

Do I need to buy the Asahiyama Zoo Ticket first before buying a reserved seat on the Zoo Train? Asking in other way, can I reserve a seat on the Zoo Train without holding an Asahiyama Zoo Ticket?

When I change train at Sapporo, do I need to cross the ticket gate of the station? Or, do I only need to move to the correct platform without crossing the gate and coming back to platform again?
by tony (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/19 11:52
This is real tickets pic of
Asahiyama dobutsuen(Zoo) kippu(ticket)[旭山度動物園きっぷ].
(not Asahiyama dobutsuen(Zoo) "access" kippu(ticket)
(access" kippu is Zoo ticket less version)

from top (4 tickets as 1)
- Zoo ticket (入園利用券)
- round(往復) Bus (バス) ticket from/to JR Asahikawa* stn
- JR train ticket for back B* to A(かえり券)
- JR train ticket for going A to B*(ゆき券)
(*Zoo name is "Asahi-yama[旭山]", JR station name is Asahi-kawa[旭川])

JR "Zoo ticket"(both type) are not sold out.
but if "Zoo train's seat fee" first u must pay regular saet fee 2260Y(not 510Y)/one way.

"Zoo train" are just one of (seasonal) regular limited Exp tain.
So anybody can book without JR special ticket.


no crossing gate just walk down to up another platform [No.4,5 or 6 to 7 or 8].
listen "transfer anounce" before arriving Sapporo.
(ask JR ticket office staff of New[Shin]-Chitose AP stn easy)
Japanese announce say "*-bansen".
(* to No.7 is "Nana-bansen" / to 8 "hachi-bansen")

Just if transfer enough time gete out possible.
(for eating,shopping,stay or also side trip ex Otal[小樽*] possible)

I dont know ur travel detail but using special ticket better* maybe.
(* from New[Shin]-Chitose AP stn[新千歳駅] version:7900Y)
by Poplar (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/19 12:43
Thank you very much !! Your answer is very useful. My travel details are as follows:

Day 1- from New Chitose Airport to Asahijawa;
Day 2- visit Asahiyama Zoo;
Day 3- from Asahikawa to Sapporo;
Day 4- visit Sapporo;
Day 5- from Sapporo to New Chitose Airport.

If I buy the Zoo ticket at New Chitose Airport (7900Y) on Day 1, can I stop over at Sapporo on Day 4 and carry on with the same ticket to Airport on Day 5?
by tony (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: JR Asahiyama Zoo Ticket 2012/6/19 19:57
please be aware that the bus from the station to the zoo takes some time and you may have to stand the entire way to the's been a while since i've been to the zoo i think the bus took about 15-25 min one way. when you buy the ticket i would strongly suggest to see if you can get a list of accessible bus and train times for going to the zoo and back to sapporo.
by Ali (guest) rate this post as useful

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