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Type of food 2012/7/2 05:33
What type of food avalible in Mt.fuji Lake Kawaguchi, ?

I am serching for vegitarian food and piza
by Mohammed (guest)  

Re: Type of food 2012/7/4 17:41
so far as I know, Japanese hardly have vegetarian foodstuff. But if you scrutinize carefully there might be edible ones out of a thousand.
For Kawauchi Lake area, there's this link:
where the Inari is vegetarian.

Most of the food stalls have at least animal essence, so unless you're not a strict religious person, I would advice you to ask someone to read out the ingredients of the food if you want to eat it. Or ask your tourist guide to help you.

I'm a strict religious vegetarian, and I can hardly do a thing but stare hungrily at the nice smelling foods all around me.
And as for the pizzas, I'm guessing they may not have it. mind you a guess.
by Thermo Stat rate this post as useful

Re: Type of food 2012/7/5 16:02
I am not sure about the area of Kawaguchi, but TOFU products will help you avoid starving...

Tofu, Tofu milk or yuba, other soy bean stuff and other beans.

Soba noodles are also recommended, but they usually use chiken or fish for the soup seasoning.

Vegitable tempra can be another choice for vegitalians, I guess. It's vegitable (mashrooms, carrots, peppers, onions, potatoes, etc), flour, sesami oil and salt.
by Jay Key (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Type of food 2012/7/6 11:18
Depending on how strict of a vegetarian you are you may find it extremely difficult to find food. For example, half of the "vegeatarian dishes" posted are not strictly vegetarian such as Inarizushi which is flavored with fish stock, and vegetable tempura which is cooked in the same oil as fish tempura. You'll have to do your research and decide which foods fit your level of vegetarianism and go from there. See some of these similar threads for more info:
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Type of food 2012/7/7 02:23
Yes, there IS pizza in Japan. The weird this is that it usually had corn as a topping on it. I remember looking at a photo on a menu, and thinking that the yellow specks on the pizza was cheddar cheese, but it turned out to be corn kernels. Do not expect a huge layer of cheese, but instead expect thin slices of a white cheese to be placed about the top of the pizza in a similar fashion to pepperoni slices.

It's probably healthier this way.

Egg and tofu products will be in abundance, and you will have no problem finding vegetarian food, even in the Kiosks on the train platforms.

I hope this helps.
by ebaychucky311 rate this post as useful

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