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Cameras lens in Tokyo 2012/7/27 02:51

It seems to be a recurrent question. I'm looking for lenses for my Sony Nex 5 so I can make great pictures of my trip. I'm looking for SEL-16f28 and VCL-EF1

I've done some web searches, I found this products on kakaku, sony (jp), yodobashi, bic... but it seems to be at least as expensive that in France, about 2500 y for 16f28 and about 100 y for ef1.

Would you know some shops where I coud find this lenses cheaper in Tokyo ? (new and second hand)

Thanks for your help

by Julien (guest)  

Re: Cameras lens in Tokyo 2012/7/27 09:33
In this case I would probably just buy the lens in France.

Kakaku compares prices from retail stores, so you'll really only find them cheaper by shopping second hand (a very hit or miss prospect).
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Cameras lens in Tokyo 2012/7/27 10:23
Yen is very expensive now compared to Euro. Because of that the camera goods in Japan are no longer as cheap as they were before.

I also would recommend second hand or buying in France. You should also consider the warranty. Check if Sony lenses have global warranty. If not, it would be better to buy the lens in your home country. This of course in a non-issue if you buy a used one.
by kodama (guest) rate this post as useful

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