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Fresh fruit breakfast 2012/8/14 17:48
Travelling this weekend (excited!!) still have a couple of questions. One is about the food, especially breakfast.

Are there enough shops open early in the morning that have/serve fresh fruit? I like to start my mornings with a healthy and light breakfast. At home i usually take yoghurt with fresh fruit and a vitamin c drink but just the fruit will do. I know in other countries i have visited, shops offered a variety of mixed fruit packages for a few bucks. I'm not sure if those are common in Japan as well.
by Marcus (guest)  

Re: Fresh fruit breakfast 2012/8/14 19:13
Some convenience stores sell mixed fruit salads. Or your hotels might serve breakfast.
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: Fresh fruit breakfast 2012/8/14 21:04
Or yoghurts with fruits in any convenience store.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Fresh fruit breakfast 2012/8/16 04:00
You can always buy your fruits on the day before. I don't think they're delived from the farms so early in the morning anyway.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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