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A last name that can mean Defender Of? 2012/9/6 08:49
I'm writing about a character and her name is Yasu (which means peace) and I've been trying to find a last name that fit her and her name. So If anyone can help me, please I would love to take an suggestions.
by Jeza (guest)  

Re: A last name that can mean Defender Of? 2012/9/6 16:45
Look interesting, I wish to help you, if possible.

"Morito" is male first name means "Defender".
But last name for female?

"Morita, Moriya, Morimiya"?
They protect "field, home, shrine".
"Kubo" means "Keep long time".
Those are common Japanese family name.
I think "Morimiya Yasu" is not so bad.

BTW, Yasu is rare female personal name.
Nickname for Yasuko or Yasuyo is often.
Yasu of "Yasu Megumi"(TV personality) is family name.
So you can give her "Yasu" for family name.
Just now, I can't think of any good female personal name means "Defender".
How about this?

OK, "last=family, first=personal", I'm confused because of reverse the order in Japanese (^-^;
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: A last name that can mean Defender Of? 2012/9/8 06:52
The first name Yasu is usually a male name, it's too weird for a girl's first name. You should change it to Yasuko or something like that.
by Tokyonet rate this post as useful

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