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Japanese Translation Help 2012/9/8 14:10
Can someone pls tell me how to translate this "My friend from Japan will send you money. If You do not mind?
Sorry for the late reply."

Thanks so much~! :)
by Sony (guest)  

Re: Japanese Translation Help 2012/9/9 15:05
Ah, you bought something from Japanese in Japan??

Sorry for the late reply.
goHenshin ga osoku-natte moushiwake-arimasen.
My friend from Japan will send you money.
My friend will send you money from Japan domestically?
watashi no yujin ga nihon kara anata ni soukin shimasu.
If You do not mind?
sore-demo yoroshii-deshou-ka?
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Japanese Translation Help 2012/9/9 17:57
Yes, from Yahoo auctions.

Big THX! :-)
by Sony (guest) rate this post as useful

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