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Music keys in Japanese 2012/9/14 19:58
Why are the keys (C to B order) called ハ、ニ、ホ、ヘ、ト、イ、ロ? Is there a particular reason?

For example, the key of C major is ハ長調, D minor is ニ短調, etc.

Does it have a connection with the "do, re, mi" names or is it something else altogether?
by Candy (guest)  

Re: Music keys in Japanese 2012/9/15 09:26

"I Ro Ha..." is the traditional Japanese syllabary order still used in a variety of situations - including musical notes.

by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Music keys in Japanese 2012/9/16 22:52

Oh I see. Thanks for the link, too :)
by Candy (guest) rate this post as useful

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