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Pronounciation in Kansai Ben 2012/9/14 21:01

I was just thinking. In Kansai Ben vowel reduction is not common. I hear many people saying ''desU'' or ''wakarimasU''. Now I was just wondering, what about the names? Do people actually say ''YoshIki'', ''DaisUke'', ''ShunsUke''?
by Mared  

Re: Pronounciation in Kansai Ben 2012/9/17 17:17

Actually, Kansai-ben's position of accent is stir.
(Example In positive sentence :common: dEsu, Kansai:desU.)
And, raising the end of one's sentences is one of Kansai-ben's distinction.
However, typically, accent for names is not match with the rule, like "YOshiki", "DAIsuke", and "ShUnsuke".
In the regard, when people get exciting, the intonation is said randomly.
by Toya Kido rate this post as useful

Re: Pronounciation in Kansai Ben 2012/9/19 05:37
Ahhhh I see, soo for example in "Daisuke" you would still call him "DAIske"?

by Mared rate this post as useful

Re: Pronounciation in Kansai Ben 2012/9/20 12:21
not 100% sure about your question because of my lack of English skill.
but for instance, this famous comedian "Hamachan"
in Kansai people cal him "haMachan" but in Tokyo they call him "Hamachan"
I felt weird when people in Tokyo started calling his name because I'm from Kansai who lives in Tokyo.
by yt (guest) rate this post as useful

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