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Buying a motorcycle in Japan? 2012/9/18 00:18
Hello everyone. Currently I am studying in a university in Japan and was considering about buying a motorcycle.
I am interested in Aprilia RS125, because of its reasonable price ( I am buying a second hand one), but not really sure since this is the first time I am buying a motorcycle.

My budget is around 3000$ and was wondering which motorcycle should I get.( I am interested in the sport bikes)

Also do I have to get an insurance? How much does it cost?

P.S I have an international license, I know you can use it only 1 year but I plan on replacing it every year. (I heard from someone that this is possible.)

Thanks again.
by Nora (guest)  

Re: Buying a motorcycle in Japan? 2012/9/18 09:32
P.S I have an international license, I know you can use it only 1 year but I plan on replacing it every year. (I heard from someone that this is possible.)

Unfortunately this is not possible. You cannot legally use a second International driver's license unless you leave Japan for more than 3 consecutive months. So you may need to change your plans accordingly because the motorcycle licensing process in Japan is difficult and expensive. Maybe consider a 50cc motorcycle instead since the licensing rules are much easier.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2012/9/18 10:18
Not sure if you found it already but this forum may also be useful for you:-

Enjoy your ride!
by GC3 rate this post as useful

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