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How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/21 04:30
How do I learn japanese quick
by Lauren (guest)  

Re: How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/21 13:42
You find a guy in the street and trade him a cow for some magic beans...

Unfortunately there's no quick way to learn any language, it takes years of study. There will be any number of websites which will promise otherwise, and will normally charge money for their miracle cure, but there's just no way round it.
by GMatt rate this post as useful

Re: How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/21 14:43
Live in Japan,
speak Japanese only
to learn quickly.
(no seasonal word)
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/22 19:26
As above, you can buy as many language tools and books as humanly possible but it does not speed up the process any quicker no matter which you choose. If you want to learn for yourself do focus on those that offer vocal pronunciation by tape or video (youtube is great for this) but if it is for a holiday do not fret as everyone is very accomodating no matter how little you know. I came armed with a Lonely Planet phrase book and the basics and I have not had any problems and have picked up more off the people than the book!
by Jody Slater (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/24 10:48
Come to Japan, or failing that, immerse yourself in Japanese as much as possible- even then you won't be fluent until you've been learning at least a couple of years and putting in a lot of effort during that time.

Agree that no learning tool on the market will really make you a fluent speaker without you having a lot of exposure to native speakers and being in situations where you must speak Japanese only on a regular basis.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How do I learn japanese quick 2012/9/25 18:00
Why not trying to learn the basics? Like hirogana and katakana... And things like hello good night good bye. Also how to say phrases like to eat to sleep to walk etc. hope it helped!
by Daisja Videau Deisha Bidoo rate this post as useful

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