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Housing with ground floor shop terminology 2012/9/27 06:48
I am trying to find the word or term for the type of housing in Japan that has a shop on the ground floor and possibly 1 or 2 levels of housing above the shop. I would like to know this terminology in order to refine my search for housing to only buildings that are also renting out or selling the shop with the housing above. The only reference I have found in my own search has been Machiya but it seems to only refer to these type of buildings in Kyoto. I am looking for this type of housing in Nagoya. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
by starseryn (guest)  

Re: Housing with ground floor shop terminology 2012/9/27 21:56
There isn't really a specific term for that, but I would suggest looking for "juutaku tsuki tenpo" (shop with housing attached) or "tenpo tsuki juutaku" (housing with shop attached). I think this would be the term I would see on those advertisement on the walls/display windows of real estate companies in town.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Housing with ground floor shop terminology 2012/9/28 09:17
Thank you very much! I will try that.
by Starseryn (guest) rate this post as useful

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