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what does this mean? 2012/9/29 11:11
"Watashi wa honto ni anata ga nani w a~tsu te rikai shite"
it was a response to i love you
by ex1000 (guest)  

Re: what does this mean? 2012/9/29 14:53
It's a bit strange...
If they drunk and joked in Izakaya.

Watashi wa honto ni anata ga
I really to you...
nani waratte
Why are you laughing!
rikai shite
you know?
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: what does this mean? 2012/9/29 15:12
"Watashi wa honto ni anata ga nani w a~tsu te rikai shite"

The part "w a~tsu te" does not make sense, but I would not imagine that it is "waratte."

The last part "rikai shite" says "Please understand," but the part in the middle confuses me.
by AK rate this post as useful

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