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What and how to read my name in Japanese 2012/10/8 21:20
Hi, I'm very curious as to how my name looks and pronounced in Japanese. Can anyone help me please? I'm female and below is my name:


Your help would be most appreciated! Thanks!
by Liza (guest)  

Re: What and how to read my name in Japanese 2012/10/9 15:19
I think it's "バイ・オンエイ(Bai Onei)".
Or maybe "メイ・エンイン(Mei Enyin)"?

漢字: on-yomi*1, pinyin
梅: バイ(Bai), メイ(mei)
恩: オン(On), エン(en)
颖: エイ(Ei)*2, イン(ying)

*1: Chinese name in Japanese is always read by on-yomi not kun-yomi.
*2: 颖 is not in Japanese,
so I read on the analogy of 穎 as a substitute.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: What and how to read my name in Japanese 2012/10/9 15:33
To: ajapaneseboy

Thanks for your help! :)
by Liza (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What and how to read my name in Japanese 2012/10/9 17:21
how my name looks

So I think you will be often asked in Japan
"What's 颖 pronounced and meaning?" (^^;

Some chinese have no Japanese Kanji.
曽雅妮 the golfer, 唐家璇 the diplomat and so on.
BTW, 広東省深圳 is very popular city and called "シンセン(ShinSen)"in Japan.
But 圳 is not Japanese, so every time, newspapers explain "セン is the left side 土 and 川".
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: What and how to read my name in Japanese 2012/10/9 17:44
Wow you sure know alot!
by Liza (guest) rate this post as useful

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