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I Really need to learn japanese 2012/10/17 11:22
I live in st.louis (U.S.A.) and i need to learn japanese.I want find the best places or programs to learn that arnt rosetta stone.lastly Im 16 with low income...Good karma and manny thanks!
by TrendyDizzastah (guest)  

Re: I Really need to learn japanese 2012/10/17 11:25
So what are you looking for? Online resources? A language school in your area? Language exchanges? Or just general advice?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: I Really need to learn japanese 2012/10/20 00:13
Heres a useful blog on where to start your learning:
by Markv12 rate this post as useful

Re: I Really need to learn japanese 2012/10/20 02:29
There seem to be places in St Louis that teach Japanese. I know you say you are low income but how about going along & speaking to someone at for instance The Japan America Society of St Louis? They should at least be able to point you in the right direction and advice is free.
I dont know what materials they use but in the UK the main teaching book is Japanese for Busy People (If you do buy this, get the KANA version as the quicker you learn hiragana the better). I haven't used many programs as I have found the books more useful
by Stan Norrell rate this post as useful

Re: I Really need to learn japanese 2012/10/25 12:25
You could try a different online course like Rocket Japanese. It's cheaper than a lot of the others out there. They have a free trial that you can sign up to if you want to try before you buy :)
by Kellydog (guest) rate this post as useful

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