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help understanding Japanese passage 2012/10/21 17:43
To anyone who understands Japanese, what do you make of this:
Shiranai kuni de taihen dakedo, komattara, itsudemo. Kiite kudasai.

My understanding of the gist is You might find it troubling/confusing being in a foreign country, so please pay attention.

That's very loose, but is it approximately right?
by Troy (guest)  

Re: help understanding Japanese passage 2012/10/21 19:33
"I imagine that you might find it difficult being in a foreign country; if you face a difficulty, please ask (me) any time."

"komattara" comes from the verb "komaru/komarimasu," to face a difficulty, to be at a loss, to be in trouble, etc.
"itsudemo" = any time
"kiite kudasai." "kiite" comes from the verb "kiku/kikimasu," to ask (a question).
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: help understanding Japanese passage 2012/10/21 23:55
Thank you so much. That makes much more sense. :)
by Troy (guest) rate this post as useful

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