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Need translation for "soy yoghurt" 2012/11/1 13:54
Hello everyone. Like the topic already says, i need help translating that word. Basically i have to buy soy yoghurt for a lactose intollerant animal. I read online i can use soy yoghurt, but i am not sure google translators "豆乳ヨーグルト" is correct. Anyone able to help me on this?
by Rintaru83  

Re: Need translation for 2012/11/1 13:59
豆乳ヨーグルト is correct. It is also sometimes labeled as 豆乳で作ったヨーグルト (yogurt made with soymilk)
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Need translation for 2012/11/1 14:00
perfect thank you very much. ill directly head out and buy it.
by Rintaru83 rate this post as useful

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