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English to Japanese translation? 2012/11/8 17:20
I would like to translate this... Japanese to English
''Thank you for being there for me, thank you for giving me hope and courage, even if you didn't realize you did, Thank you for making me smile. I am glad I met you. You have a beautiful heart.''

Thank you guys for helping me!!! Much appreciated.
by Chloe774  

Re: English to Japanese translation? 2012/11/9 22:19
Hi, Chloe774 (nanashi?!).
For reference...

Thank you for being there for me,
thank you for giving me hope and courage, even if you didn't realize you did,
Thank you for making me smile.
I am glad I met you. You have a beautiful heart.

BTW, is this for senior?
This translation is a bit formal/polite, so not for friends.
And it's a bit free not word-for-word.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: English to Japanese translation? 2012/11/9 22:28
Sorry, I mistook.
is "Thank you for standing by me".

Thank you for being there for me,
(Thank you for troubling your heart for me.)
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

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