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both needed? 2012/11/9 16:51
A group of people are talking about the best way to get rid of a monster in their town and one of the villagers says this: 仕方しかたあるまい。このまま放ってほうっておけば村は全滅ぜんめつするかもしれん…。
From what I understand, まま means to leave or stay as is and ほうっておけば means if it's left as it is. So I'm wondering if both of them are necessary for this sentence to make sense or they are both put together for emphasis. Because they seem to be saying the same thing twice.
by hajime gakusei  

Re: both needed? 2012/11/9 21:57
Sorry, I know you don't need my advise and this is beyond one's ability.
But just out of curiosity, I believe experts will correct me.(^_^;

can rephrase
as you pointed out.

But このまま放っておく is an idiomatic phrase.
このまま means IT stay unchanged and 放っておく means WE leave as it is. (Of course, it's just feeling not grammatical.)
So I don't feel that is emphasized.
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: both needed? 2012/11/14 01:58
In your example, the villager says: if they take no measure and let the situation go, that may result in demolition of the village.

まま [as it is / as it goes]
: {How the situation is / goes} is focused on.
__ をほうっておく [take no measure about __, omit / fail to act for or against __]
: {Whether one acts} is focused on.

Personally I do not feel emphasis in the phrase "このままほうっておく".
Concerning your example, I suppose "このまま" can be omitted. However, {ままである} is not always an effect of {ほうっておく}. Situation may stay as it is / may go as it will go regardless of majors which are taken, in other words it may stay / go {まま} even if those it concerns do not {ほうっておく}.
- バランスの良い食事、十分な睡眠、適度な運動に努めたにもかかわらず、彼は太り過ぎたままだった。そこで彼は医者に相談した。
[Despite his efforts for well-balanced diet, enough sleep and adequate amount of exercise, he stayed overweight. So he consulted a doctor.]

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Correction (English grammar) 2012/11/14 02:07
Let me reaplce "as it will go" by "as it goes."
by omotenashi rate this post as useful

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