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How to thank people properly? 2012/11/17 02:20
I have a YouTube channel and most of my viewers are from Japan and they are so nice and comment and stuff. So I would like to thank them, but I do not know how to properly translate what I want to say since I am at a very beginner level of Japanese.

This is basically what I want to say

Thank you so much for watching my videos and for commenting and subscribing. I will try my hardest to bring you better videos in the future. I love Japan not only because of the awesome music, and culture, but because of all the great people. Please guide me while I learn Japanese, and hopefully, when I go back to Japan next spring I will be able to speak with you all!!

Like I said I am at a basic level I can't read Kanji yet so I wanted to make sure this was done properly. I don't want to offend people by saying the wrong thing. But I am studying hard and hope to be able to speak, read and write Japanese in the future.

Thanks for your help!
by anysa  

Re: How to thank people properly? 2012/11/17 11:10
Oh, great. I enjoy youtube so maybe I'm a fan of you?


BTW, if you need.
(This Japanese is translated from my English.)
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: How to thank people properly? 2012/11/17 11:29
For reference
動画(どうが) - videos
コメント - commenting
チャンネル登録(とうろく) - subscribing
有り難う(ありがとう) - Thank you
今後(こんご)も - in the future
より良(よ)い - better
精一杯(せいいっぱい)頑張(がんば)ります - I will try my hardest
私(わたし) - I
日本(にほん) - Japan
大好き(だいすき) - love
素晴(すば)らしい - awesome
音楽(おんがく) - music
文化(ぶんか) - culture
素敵(すてき)な人(ひと)たち - great people
日本語(にほんご) - Japanese
学(まな)ぶ - learn
間(あいだ) - while
教(おし)えてください - Please guide me
願(ねが)わくば - hopefully [literary style]
来春(らいしゅん) - next spring
戻(もど)る - go back
皆(みな)さん - you all
お話(はな)し - speak
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

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