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How to write in Japanese Language 2012/11/21 23:02
How to write " Welcome to Apeejay School, Noida" in Japanese Language.

Need the help very urgently, kindly send the info back at the earliest.

Thank you so much.
by Vikas Mehra (guest)  

Re: How to write in Japanese Language 2012/11/22 09:22
How is the name "Apeejay" pronounced? Just like with the alphabets "A P J"? And is "Noida" the town name? Again, how is it pronounced?

If you need it immediately and cannot wait until you answer the above and wait for the answer, a simple one would be "Welcome to our school!" which would be:

(Yokoso watashi tachi no gakko e!)
by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to write in Japanese Language 2012/11/26 11:01
You could say,

by carmine (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to write in Japanese Language 2012/11/26 17:27
Apeejay can be pronounced as A P J.

NOIDA can be pronounced as NOI DA.

Looking forward to your valued help.

Thanks and regards.
by Vikas Mehra (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to write in Japanese Language 2012/11/30 22:41
In english, é-pi-jé(noida)gakkou e youkoso!
Or just write Apeejay (Noida) 学校へようこそ!
by Yakuzadousei (guest) rate this post as useful

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