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Writing the date in japanese 2012/11/21 23:06
This year me and my boyfriend celebrated 15 years together on holiday in Kyoto. I am learning how to carve letters in stone and would like to carve Kyoto and the date of our anniversary 28th May 2012 in Japanese. I have found the symbols for Kyoto but am unsure how to do the date. Also should I do this from top to bottom and right to left so I have the first symbol for Kyoto top right, the second symbol underneath and then the date to the left going down?

Many thanks
by Lady M (guest)  

Re: Writing the date in japanese 2012/11/22 09:18
There are of course kanji to write numbers, but those "can" look somewhat awkward when used to write the full date, and going vertical... so why not just use "Kyoto" and 2012.5.28, written horizontally?
京都 2012年5月28日 (or just with the numbers, 2012. 5. 28).

If you must have it vertically, it would be:

二 京
〇 都

by AK (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Writing the date in japanese 2012/11/22 16:10
Or Heisei 24.
by max. 40 characters (guest) rate this post as useful

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