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A textbook for me 2012/11/29 07:40
Hello, everybody. ^_^
I'm going to buy myself a textbook or two for learning Japanese.
I don't know, what to choose.
Would you help me decide? :)

I can't decide between
1)Japanese for Busy People 1 Kana Version + Japanese for Busy People 2
2)Japanese from Zero 1 + Japanese from Zero 2
3)Japanese for Busy People 1 Kana Version + Japanese from Zero 1

I just want to tell that I already know Hiragana and Katakana~ :3
by Hoshii (guest)  

Re: A textbook for me 2012/12/1 11:48
None of the above. I recommend Genki:

I've tried many textbooks, it is hands down the best.
by scarreddragon rate this post as useful

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