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how to say i miss mother's love? 2012/12/1 03:08
how to say i miss mother's love?
by sya (guest)  

Re: how to say i miss mother's love? 2012/12/1 19:42
Current Japanese language does not have a simple counterpart word for a verb "miss" in this meaning.

How is the situation?
If the Subject "I" is living far away from his/her mother and feeling homesick, then an adjective "koishii" may suit.
"koishii": pine for / feel love for somebody or something, miss love of somebody.
Haha ga koishii desu.
: (After living apart for years) I miss my motherfs love.
: (After her passing away) I wish I could see my mother.
Haha no teryouri ga koishii desu.
: I miss my motherfs hand-made meals.
Furusato ga koishii desu.
: I miss my homeland.

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