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Uenose and Yokodashi in English? 2012/12/3 18:42
I'm reading a book on basic things of Japanese politics. In the section about decentralization (’n•ϋ•ͺŒ ), I came across this concept called Uenose Yokodashi Kisei uγζ‚Ή‰‘o‚΅‹K§vwhich I don't really understand. Could someone please explain what it is and is there any equivalence in English?

Thank you in advance!
by Jazzy (guest)  

Re: Uenose and Yokodashi in English? 2012/12/4 09:36
no Eng words.γζ‚Ήπ—α‰‘o‚΅π—α

[Uwa(not Ue-)]nose means more strictly controll as PF/City ordinance than nation law.

[Yoko]dashi means add original regulation menu as PF/City ordinance.
(original nation law not covered menu)
by Cst (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Uenose and Yokodashi in English? 2012/12/4 15:25
Thank you Cst, that's really helpful!
by Jazzy (guest) rate this post as useful

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