Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/8 16:48
I am writing a pen pal in Japan. I know I make errors and I just realized I made a silly mistake in my last letter. I would like to send a disclaimer when I next write to him. You know, like in English we might lightly write, ''Please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors.'' Or ''sorry for all the Japanese language mistakes,'' or some such. Would love to add a short disclaimer like that next time around, since there are sure to be more of those in my letters.

Please only write the answer in hiragana if you don't mind. Thanks!
by 3olives (guest)  

Re: Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/9 23:14
Hi, 3olives.
Why only in hiragana... to study??


A bit formal:

BTW, I often said "Excuse my poor English".
But I'm not sure if this is correct.
(Because I have no friends who speak English.)
It's funny English, I wonder??
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/10 04:46
No. "Excuse my poor English" is perfectly correct :)
by Stan Norrell rate this post as useful

Re: Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/11 00:36
@Stan Norrell Thanky you!(^-^)/
by ajapaneseboy rate this post as useful

Re: Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/11 15:42
Thank you very much for your answer! I need the answer in hiragana because I don't know many kanji yet.

Japanese will take me forever to learn I think.
by 3olives (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Please forgive my writing mistakes 2012/12/12 15:14
Reading Japanese newspaper for kids can help you to build a good vocabulary and kanji for more details please visit;
by Dheeraj (guest) rate this post as useful

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