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Help with a translation 2012/12/13 08:55

I'm translating some doujinshi for my own personal enjoyment and I've come across a sentence that confuses me.


More specifically ドラゴンボールのドの字もないじゃない. ("the character 'do' from dragonball is also not there"?)

I'm guessing it means something like loosing the spirit/interest for the dragonballs? Am I right about this one? (yes, It's a DBZ comic ^^; )

Thanks in advance
by Mezurashii (guest)  

Re: Help with a translation 2012/12/13 12:56
Maybe the phrase means as you are guessing, but we need the context to know what it really means.
XYZ の X の字もない is used to mean not showing (even) a glimpse of XYZ.
e.g. 反省 [hansei] のハの字もない
not showing a glimpse of repentance
= showing no sign of repentance

by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Help with a translation 2012/12/14 00:57
I see.

Here is a link to the comic It's a small one, only 3 pages(you can click through it) The part I'm talking about is right on the first page, last panel.
by Mezurashii (guest) rate this post as useful

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