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Receive in Japanese 2013/2/11 17:28
Are there any differences with these words?

受け取る, 受ける, 受け入れる

If I want to say receive email, do I write


Also, curious when I would be using 受信する...

Thanks for the reply.
by jch02140  

Re: Receive in Japanese 2013/2/11 17:57
受け取る = close to general "receive," with letters, gifts, e-mails, etc.

受ける = you might 受ける an inquiry, a contact/communication, a request, etc.

受け入れる = closer to "accept" "acknowledge," "receive (and acknowledge)."

メールを受け取る would be the right way to say "to receive email." You can also write メールを受信する to say the same thing, with a slightly more official/business-like nuance.

受信する is used only with telecommunications, or receiving "signals," so this one is used with e-mails, or radio signals :)
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Receive in Japanese 2013/2/11 18:01
Thanks for the explanation, AK. :)

by jch02140 rate this post as useful

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