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Swedish Manga artist? 2005/5/8 21:22
hi... I've just started to read Manga, but i fell instantly in love with it. Drawing has always been my passion and it's one of the few things I'm really good at, and i have always wanted to work with something related to drawing, or writing (my other passion.) So when i started to read Manga it hit me that I'd really love to be a Manga artist. The only problem is that I'm Swedish... and i don't really want to live in Japan. Is it possible to be a Swedish Manga writer, working in Sweden? Or do you have to be Japaneese?
by Jenny  

. 2005/5/12 06:02
by meringue4 rate this post as useful

manga writer in sweden 2005/5/12 11:59
So, you don't want to go to Japan - you want to stay in Sweden and be a manga artist, right? Well, I think you can do that. Of course, I don't know if you'll be able to find a publisher, or if your comics will be successful, but if you really like to draw, I think you should just keep doing it and show your work to others and see what happens.
I'm not saying you will be able to easily make a living as a manga artist, but if you want to do it as a hobby, then there is nothing to stop you.
by sazae-san rate this post as useful

Swedish Manga artist? 2005/6/5 04:41

thanx sazae-san! I will try everything to be able to live my dream! And I have actually changed my mind about not wanting to live in Japan. I know it'll be tough at first, learning the language and all, but I know that if I really try, I'm gonna make it!

by Jenny rate this post as useful

me too!!! 2005/6/6 02:23
i want to be a manga artist too, i hear there are manga colleges in japan, trouble is, i dont know if they`d speak english.but i know there are english/american artists out there, the popular series, peach fuzz, is by 2 american artists (in my opinion its a little weird) so if the americans can do it so can we!
by ichigo-neko rate this post as useful

hmm 2005/11/1 22:28
it is possible. you basically just need a publisher. Unfortunately there aren't as many manga readers in sweden as in many other european countries so there aren't many manga publishers either. Vut you have to try sending in applications and see if it works out (only in case your wish is meant seriously). Good luck.
I know that there are quite a lot german manga ka living in germany. and they have the same publisher as for example kaori yuki and they have success.
by Dany rate this post as useful

Swedish writer 2005/12/7 15:32
You don't have to go to Japan.
As you're Swedish, it's natural that you want to be manga writer in Sweden not in Japan.Language, climate, food, almost everything is different.
I think you should learn how to draw manga somewhere.
In Japan, there're some schools though I've never heard any famous manga writers who graduated from those schools.

I heard that a swedish became manga writer.
Check out this HP.
Her manga looks good.
by sai rate this post as useful

yeah! 2005/12/20 13:41
i want to be a manga artist to.....where u live doesnt matter...if u want to do it..then go ahead...i've always wanted to be a manga artist..problem is im only 15..just a lil setback..u should always do what u think is right and the things that make u happy...if u avoid those things...u'll end up missing sumthing very important to u
by babble rate this post as useful

Cold Water 2005/12/22 04:09
I hate to throw cold water on dreams, but it will be almost impossible to be a manga artist published in Japan and live outside of the country.

The Japanese artists and publishers work right up to the last moment, and the editors are commonly waiting in the next room to take the pages and run them to the printer so that the manga magazine can be printed on time. For this reason, not only is it nearly impossible to be published outside of Japan, it is nearly impossible to be published outside of Tokyo.

There are manga artists who have been able to get out of Tokyo (a few even moved to America), but these are long-time artists with a long history of getting their pages in on time.

That being said, there is nothing wrong with drawing your manga-influenced sequential art in your own country or being published in the U.S. or other countries. Since most of the recent popular manga licenses are taken, many western publishers are actively looking for western artists with talent drawing in the "manga style" of writing and artwork.

If it's Japan or nothing for you, then think of it this way, the Japanese will be much more impressed with you if you are a published artists in the west than if you are a complete unknown.

Good luck.
by Old Ant rate this post as useful

related question 2005/12/23 16:32
I too share that dream of being a manga artist, i'm israeli and have been drawing mannga for years now, but i really really want to go study in a manga university in japan, i've done a little research and it seems they only accept japanese to these schools. what can i do? i want to study manga...
by meichan rate this post as useful

So many of us...! 2006/1/7 15:27
konban wa! I am called Prince Koru (I am a girl). I am delighted to see that so many people share this dream of becoming a manga-ka! (I hardly ever spend time on the computer, so I usually don't know what's going on). Enough about me...

Anyone who wants to become a manga or manwha (etc) artist should move to Asia. Especially Japan, because...need I say? Don't think for a blithering second that it's far- fetched or something, 'cause it's all in your head. Hell, I'm doing it! You bet.

I was just looking up art/manga universities when this site caught my eye! My fellow artists--all you need is a portfolio (well, maybe not ALL..9_9) You also need to learn some Japanese. It is not true that every art school in Japan only excepts Japanese students. That's just racist. No, seriously-- foreign students are excepted, at least in most schools. If I'm wrong, I'll tell you.

I better I see you in Japan!
by Prince Koru rate this post as useful

Also... 2006/1/7 15:40
Japanese isn't hard. At all. The language follows all of it's rules (unlike English) and hiragana/katakana characters are easy and fun to write. Ofcoures, they use kanji (chinese characters) too...but that's probably the hardest thing about it, that's only memorizing! So don't be intimidated.
by Prince Koru rate this post as useful

You are not alone... 2006/1/8 22:20
I found these for you. Join them and share your love for anime with fellow swedish :).
by Dogu rate this post as useful

i luv manga 2006/2/27 00:11
I'm 13 years old and i live in england. i think there is no problem with being a swedish manga artist. you could start a new craze!

i've been drawing manga for about to years and i have really progressed loads. at school we are doing manga in art and i'm best in the class. my dream is to go to japan and go to this college i found on the internet then join studio ghibli. the problem is i have forgotten the name of the college and i can't find the web page it was on. what do i do?
by sparx rate this post as useful

by the way... 2006/2/27 00:17
i was thinking of starting an online manga comic. do you think that would get me noticed?
by sparx rate this post as useful

yeah 2006/3/13 02:40
I agree with you Prince Koru you sure gave some good advice! But Yeah,if you want to become a manga artist you should move to japan,but thats when you like 20 or 18 you know? If you realyyyyyy what to do its its a sacrific you have to take. I am 14 and I have thought of my future so many times and i see wy self IN japan and wirking my butt off.i am mexican and I live in the Us,born and raised,and i will move to japan if i have to. So do not get down in the dumps about this! You habe to take risks sometimes and if thats the risk you have to take to be happy and folow your dream,its seems to me that its worth it.
by chibibeff rate this post as useful

I want to be an manga Writer, 2006/6/1 22:02
I want to be an manga writer, and i can draw manga as well, and would like to show my work to professionals, who would like to take on the manga into shonen jump or something similar, and i would like to get assistance in drawing it as well as im not that great at drawing. what do i do to get my ideas heard
by Mann rate this post as useful

To all Swedish mangakas 2006/9/12 21:34
I'm Strawberry from the Swedish Manga group ReYa ( Unfortunetly, the Swedes that posted in this tread did not leave any contact info, so if you see this, please e-mail me. There is help to be had in Sweden and in the Swedish manga groups. So, contact me and I'll help you find your way. strawberry _ @ _ (take away spaces and "_" and you have my e-mail)
by Strawberry rate this post as useful

that makes many of us !! 2006/9/20 03:42
hay im dawn hunter, im 15 and live in england, ive been drawing manga for a few years now and i, like many others, wish to persue my dream in to becoming a pro manga artist(ive even started to learn the language!)tho i dint know what college/uni to may be apply to?
also i WOULD like to see my family if i am able to publish my work, wot would i then do?

ps sparx your idea about the online manga comic is COOL u should so do it ! ^_^
by dawn hunter rate this post as useful

yes! 2006/11/8 01:12
i want to take a college that teaches on how to draw manga, but i don't know where i should go, for today i live here in america, is there any manga colleges here? or at any other countries, please answer
by geneva rate this post as useful

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