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Female arm hair 2006/1/21 14:15
I'm really curious as to whether the ample covering of dark hair on my arms is going to freak out Japanese men... I keep hearing that Japanese women shave their arm hairs, but I have no intention of doing so myself!
by Laura  

You mean arm and not arm pit? 2006/1/22 22:13
In that case, I've never shaved mine, although I do know some women that do.
by Uco, hairy attractive J woman :) rate this post as useful

hair! hair!hair! 2006/1/23 08:32
Hi Laura. u r not Japanese if guess. You have your own ways and the Japanese have theirs. Japanese males as so many other Asians males r not that hairy, so maybe they feel threatened about their virility and that's why they make a bigger pressure (westerners do as well but in a lesser degree)on women not to have much hair.I have to confess that as a boy, I'm mot into hairy girls but I happened to have a few ones and that never prevented us from being together.This is one aspect of the "body-politics" that terrorise all of us. Be like this and don't be like that and bla bla bla... Japanese aesthetics is so different from the Westerners as you know.u r going to b a gaijin, they know u r not like them. Don't stress out about ur hair. No need ti
by Yossarian rate this post as useful

.../... 2006/1/23 08:37
I hope u mean the forearm hair laura.If it is the armpit an afraid it has to b shaven , pluckesd out, waxed, burned, snatched, torn out, pulverised or pulverised. Whatever u do JUST DON'T GIVE YOUR ARMPIT HAIR A CHANCE. NO WAY!!!! lol
by Yossarian rate this post as useful

forearm, yes! 2006/1/24 13:51
YES, I meant forearm! Sorry, should have clarified... !!!
by L rate this post as useful

Arm Hair 2006/1/30 14:34
Female arm hair is very attractive, but Japanese women tend to have very little, if any.
by Eric rate this post as useful

. 2006/1/31 22:44

I noticed that my previous Japanese girlfriend had her arm hair shaven off.

It was pretty obvious to me as what remains - when it grows back again seems to have thickened.

I don't know if you want to shave it, but my Japanese guy friends don't seem to like them a lot to be honest ^_^

I got a lot of arm hair too haha but I'm a guy.
by Rouge rate this post as useful

Hair removal please 2006/2/1 05:08
My J-girlfriend has almost no hair on her arms and legs, it's natural.
When she was out visiting me here in Hawaii and saw me without my shirt at the beach, she told me I need to shave my chest (I am not a hairy guy, just average).
I laughed and told her, I am not a Japanese man,so get use to it!
by surfbeat rate this post as useful

umm..... 2006/2/1 06:56
Laura, any ample dark hair on woman's arms would freak anybody out, not just offending Japanese men. Why don't you use body bleach on it or if it's so excessive, have it removed by waxing (in the USA) or have it permanently removed by lasik (laser) treatment. All three methods are used by both men and women in the USA.
by cc rate this post as useful

any hair. 2006/2/2 04:19
if you are so uncomfortable with arm hair that you have to eliminate it, go ahead. but to suggest that someone whose only hesitation to show arm hair is a cultural consideration must do so as well is just offensive.
i might find your waxed/shaven arms to be repulsive.
by come on rate this post as useful

Arms 2006/2/3 05:28
Just shave them, it looks so much better
by MD rate this post as useful

Arm Hair help. 2006/2/6 03:38
Laura, what did you decide to do with your arm hair? maybe I can help, mail me at for info, thanks
by Sheena rate this post as useful

Laura again - wow. 2006/2/6 10:12
Well this thread brought out some strong opinions on body image! To be honest, I guess I was just curious to know whether the shaving of forearms was as widespread as I'd heard. I'm no gorilla but I'd never given a second thought to forearm hair before coming to Japan. Always interesting to see what you suddenly become self-conscious about when you move from one culture to another with different ideas/values.
by Was Just Curious rate this post as useful

hairy arms 2006/3/7 16:22
In the last few months, I've observed my female classmates' arms. Seemingly without exception, these young ladies show no sign of arm-hair.
I am in my early thirites, and I had not noticed this trend until recently--everyone seems to be removing their arm-hair!
It seems freakish to me, but on the other hand, I started tidying up my arms (with an electric razor) several years ago--because nobody seemed to have arm hair, even then.
So--clearly I'm behind the times a bit. Honest to whomever, I don't know where any arm-hair phobia came from...
by jlph rate this post as useful

it's fine to me 2006/3/7 21:14
Unless it's SUPER thick... I've never seen a woman/girl with what I would call super thick arm hair. And as long as it's girl arm hair.... not thick curly man arm hair. They're fine if they're straight and softer looking.

I am not a Japan guy though. I am Asian-American and grew up in a somewhat Asian community.... whenever I noticed a girl (Asian or not) with more arm hair than usual, I didn't find it unattractive.
by boy rate this post as useful

dont shave but trim them 2006/3/13 02:33
hi laura. as your intention of growing armhair is completely justified me. i would advice u to not to shave but at the same time dont allow them to grow much in length. so trim with scissors or a trimmer once in 15 days.
by indian rate this post as useful

hair 2006/4/17 08:43
It's probably fine either way. When I go to Japan I probably won't. But then again I don't have much and I'm blond. It's barely visible against my light skin.
by Jecca-neko rate this post as useful

mmm 2006/6/27 17:25
Actually I just saw them on shop chanel here in japan selling a small laser machine for hair removal of body & face....
Is it safe? did they test the side effects of it before selling it? or they are just marketing it & that is all??? & i wonder did any of you use it or using it? how is it like ? am really scared thinking whethere to buy it or not. plz give advice.
P.S I posted same question seperatly but
I got no reply so I hope I get a reply here since it is related
by bp rate this post as useful

DON'T shave 2006/6/29 12:55
if you are a girl who has hairyb arms you are totally sexy and attractive-I even think japanese men will -even if in secret "Want" you
by Larry rate this post as useful

Just let it go 2006/7/3 10:35
There's no easy fix for arm hair, unless it isn't that ''bad'' to begin with, and I wouldn't worry about offending anyone. Shave it and you may look strange if you are a brunette and obviously hirsute otherwise, dye it and the same problem (which can get expensive and tiresome), trim it and it might just look like stubble, and laser surger is permanent and prohibitively expensive (thousands), not to mention long and painful. I'd hope that the boys so adamant about a woman getting rid of arm hair might also have some empathy and posit a viable way to do so (on top of all the other types of hair removal women have going on), or keep their mouths shut.
by KL rate this post as useful

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