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Peanut Club 2010/5/24 12:08
Welcome Robert and Joseph !!!
Robert, I went to your Flcr photos..Wonderful ! but I coundn't find any of the Peanut me find them . Also I don't remember any elivators and 4 floors. But with so many whiskey co-co's who can really remember. Hey ! I bought a petri V6 camera there too ! Its going out for my yard sale next weekend..along with the 200 mm if your interested.HAHA I will spend more time with your do very good work..especially the "End of Mud Wrestling"..verry sophisticated. Methinks your a classy guy. But I've been wrong before.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Robert Huffstutter 2010/5/26 08:04
Welcome to this forum, I was glad to see your post. I hung out at the Peanut Club during 1967-68, but it didnft have that elevator then, they must have remodeled the club by the time I got there and took it out. Some really good rock bands played there. It was a great place to hang out! What other clubs did you frequent?
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Joseph 2010/5/26 08:23
Welcome to this forum. A 25-hour flight on a DC-6 must have been a killer. Did you go up through Anchorage? In Jan 1967 I went over on a 707 jetliner, and we went from San Francisco to Anchorage and down the jet stream to Tokyo. I canft remember how many hours it took, but Ifm guessing twelve. I was an associate member of the VFW in Yokohama, but your dad had already departed by the time I got there. Those gYankee Go Homeh signs didnft bother me, because my family are Southern Confederates and when I saw one of those signs Ifd say gright on!h It wasnft until years later that I found out they meant me too!
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Remodeled the Peanut Club 2010/5/26 10:36
In 67 the Peanut Club didn't look like it wss EVER remodled. You don't get that seedy in just under 10 years.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Yankees 2010/5/26 12:36
Oh..and in New England..Yankees are only Vermont farmers that eat apple pie for breakfast.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Wally 2010/5/26 13:33
I was stationed in Yokohama, at Bayside Courts, 1968-69. During that time the Vietnam war was not popular there, especially among the young. 2 incidents I remember well: I had a Japanese girlfriend I would meet in Shinjuku. While strolling thru that area once we encountered a crowd of young people holding signs I couldn't read and shouting things I didn't understand. My girlfriend pushed me in an opposite direction and stated they were protesting the war and demanding all g.i.'s go home.

The second incident occurred while en-route from Bayside Courts to the printing plant where I worked in Kawasaki. As our bus approached a University there was a crowd of students throwing desks, which were supplied by the U.S., on to the road to protest our presence. The driver turned the bus around and we detoured to another route.

I will say, though, that the middle-aged and elderly Japanese that I either met or worked with were very friendly and sincere throughout my 14 month stay.
by Joe G. (guest) rate this post as useful

New book - on the Pacific 2010/5/27 22:52
I'm in the midst of James Bradley's new book - "The Imperial Cruise" - in which he gives the history of our involvement in the Pacific - it suggests some interesting background for those "Yankee go home" signs years later. Has anyone else read it?

McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, Cuba, the Spanish American war, the Monroe doctrine, the Philipines, and finally how Commander Perry actually got himself and the west into Japan in 1853. Not a pretty story. But, I guess that's the story of mankind's movement westward throughout history, not just in the Pacific.

By the way, did anyone else but me also not know that the Pacific is 8 times bigger than the Atlantic ocean? I guess you navy people and others out there know that.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Big Pacific 2010/5/27 23:27

I sailed the Pacific six times, back and forth from Seattle to Yokohama and can testify that this ocean is big. the ships were operated by Military Sea Transportation Service and were named for Army generals.
A typical voyage took two weeks.
On the last trip back to the states, we stopped for one day in Hawaii. About a week later, we tied up in Oakland, CA.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: New book - on the Pacific 2010/5/28 02:09
Steffi, your post interested me in possibly reading James Bradley's The Imperial Cruise; however, I just read the reviews and was surprised at the 66 negative reviews versus 49 positive ones, not counting 10 who gave the book a middle-range rating of 3 out of a total of 5. Apparently, the book has an anti-American- empire approach. I realize that the critiques at Amazon are not necessarily uber-authoritative, but am curious to know more about how you would rate the book.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

The Imperial Cruise 2010/5/28 04:52
Barbara - I'm not much of a historian, and can't vouch for its accuracy or rebut what's said, but the book reviews I've seen are very positive, and Bradley is a reputable writer. The book is very riveting to say the least, and I would recommend it, though I'm still reading. James Bradley's father was one of the soldiers who raised the US flag in Iwo Jima. He (James, not the father) also wrote "Flags of our Fathers" and "Flyboys", neither of which I've read but both of which were bestsellers. I think Peter mentioned a film version of the Flags book that he just enjoyed on the history channel.

This book talks about the empire-building activities of the 19th century, the reasons and justification given at the time, the men who made it happen - which is not a pretty picture. Bradley says that what was done in those days laid the groundwork for what happened subsequently - like world war 2, and other wars and political changes in Asia. He's particularly critical of Teddy Roosevelt, who was kind of a fake in several interesting ways - I won't give away any interesting tidbits here.

As an ardent admirer of our country, I hate to read anything negative, and this is clearly negative. However, it's what happened, and is pretty shocking, but no one I know of disputes the facts presented. Probably it's best to know all the facts, not just the pretty ones we grew up with, because history is continuous and knowing it all helps make sense of what is happening now, and explains lots of related issues that otherwise would be puzzling. I should say that it's not an anti-military book. But it is highly critical about the motives of some of the characters and leaders involved.

I'd love it if someone else read this and gave their reactions - I picked this book up a few days ago in my library, and it's hard to put it down.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Pacific 2010/5/28 10:19
Flags of Our Fathers is a movive directed by Clint Eastwood. It stands as counterpoint to a movie called letters from Iwo Jima. Have not seen the former but have seen "letters" and its a wonderful moving film.

I never experienced any animosity toward Americans while living in Japan, save two small almost irrivelant incidents. And one of those were from Germans, not Japanese. There was one protest at Center Pier, but I believe that it was labor union related and not anti-american.

A happy Memorial Day to all here. After the series "The Pacific" on HBO I have a renewed appreciation for all that gave their lives and souls for their country.
Kaoru, charicterized it best in an off hand comment he made once..he called it the "sad pacific war." How strange life is..without this sad pacific war..none of us would probably would have ever been to Japan and thus would have never conversed here.
ooopps..I sence another Haiku comming..
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: I sense another Haiku coming . . . 2010/5/28 13:28
Go for it, Peter!
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: The Imperial Cruise 2010/5/28 13:57
Steffi, thank you for your thoughtful and informative comments -- I enjoyed reading them. I read Bradley's engaging Flags of Our Fathers when it was published, but didn't see Clint Eastwood's well-reviewed film because I would have had to close my eyes during too many graphic war scenes. I'll look for Bradley's The Imperial Cruise in our library -- no room on our bookshelves for another purchased book. If anyone else reads the book, please let us know what you think.

by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Pacific War 2010/5/28 23:52

I might have referred the Pacific War. I apologize if I said it. The Pacific War is a big obviously crime of Japan. I might be protested against by the Japanese depending of writing this. I think that the emperor who doesn't discontinue it has the major sin of the Pacific War. And, generals to whom the power of the anti-war was weak.

Please take in a favorable sense.

My family went to travel Akita and Miyagi last week. And, we stayed in "Matsusima". I recalled the picture in your Matsusima.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Pacific War 2010/5/29 02:01
I recommend a couple more books to anyone interested in this era.

"War Without Mercy," by John Dower tells the story of the race issue in WW II.

"In the Ruins of Empire" by Ronald Spector tells the story of the surrender and the resultant battle for postwar Asia.

John Dower's "Embracing Defeat" tells the story of Japan just after the war.

Three very powerful books by good writers/historians.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Kaoru-san 2010/5/29 12:13
No apology is necessary..
I take your comments in a favorable sense.
All is OK..
As you see by our speaking of some books..we also can be questioning our own governments history also. That is what freedom is.
Barbara-san, I am still thinking..I appreciate your encouragement.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Arigatou 2010/5/29 22:48
Hi, Peter-san

It is very good that you understood my idea.
Japanese Government lacks the reader ship. There are a lot of troubles of a present Korean peninsula. Perhaps, I think it to be bluff of N. Korea. I think the Okinawa stationing US Marine Corps to be necessary now. There is a country that is the threat most. The name of a country cannot be written here. I think that US and the alliance with Japan are important. When a lot of stories of politics are written here, I am scolded. Please let me hear your Haiku.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks, Eric 2010/5/31 06:42
Your book suggestions sound interesting. It also sounds like your books will make a lot more sense after reading the book I'm reading now, which takes place before the second world war and explains a lot of the background.
by steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Todays Haiku 2010/5/31 07:59

Caught in the summer rain..
my old straw hat...
smells like tatami...

Not what I had intended exactly
Still working on the other one...
Had a yard caught in a real downpour..Saved my old Petri camera..
sold it!!!
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Abby update 2010/6/5 22:53
There will be a segment on the ABC 2020 show tonight at 10 PM Eastern. Sounds like she is having an expectedly difficult but not that dangerious voyage at this stage.
Anybody home ?
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

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