
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Fourth of July 2010/7/3 02:02
Lori-san, I am glad that your Haiku has "Omomuki". The translation of English of "Omomuki" is difficult. A corresponding English word was not found though I searched for it. You will surely find it in the near future. Yes, July 4th is Independence Day. It is a great anniversary of US. I know the special day for USA.

Arigatou Gozaimasu,
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Loris Omomuki 2010/7/3 13:45
Now you have me wondering..how does Loris Haiku have omomuki ?

Perhaps it is in the last words..
Hope for less rain soon..

Is it that she is wishing for something NOT to happen ? Is that the omomuki ?

Help me with this..
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Omomuki 2010/7/3 15:39

Omomuki is elegance, or grace. This is translation of a Japanese English dictionary. Omomuki has other meanings.
The meaning is difficult. Please give thinking time to me.

... Sankeien no teien ha omomuki ga aru.
The garden of Sankeien has Omomuki.


by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Rain results 2010/7/4 04:26
Mushrooms and moss!
by Lori (guest) rate this post as useful

Translation 2010/7/4 06:10
Greeting, Lori-san and Peter-san

Other meanings of Omomuki. meaning, aspect,
taste, charm, refinement, gist.

These are the translations of Omomuki. Please understand these meanings from the sensibility. It is Omomuki.

Chinese character from Wiki:

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Kaoru 2010/7/4 13:12
Thank you, I think I understand. After looking this up on several sites, I have come to the conclusion that this omomuki business is not very well translated.. oh ! you came to that already ! silly me.

A happy 4th of July to all of our American friends. To our British friends.. better luck next time...as things are going..you guys might have done a better job than we have.
And to our Japanese friends..don't worry about it..we get a little wackey about now.
In Kingston we are getting ready for the fireworks. no..not the traditional kind, but the lock and load kind. Romor has it that one guy has a 30 gal drum loaded with homemade black powder. If true this should measure on the ricter scale. Most of us are more modest with mostly much less than 50 cal's ..ooopps 12:06 started already, I sure hope no houses get shot this year, especially mine! LIVE FREE OR DIE !!
We take this liberty stuff pretty seriously.
Or at least we used to.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Fireworks and the 4th 2010/7/4 23:05
Happy Independence Day to everyone visiting JG this weekend. It's been a real shoot-em-up with fireworks seemingly around the clock here at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. The M-80s and M-500s may be a thing of the past but we still have plenty of punch endlessly shipped in from China.
In my old Yokohama, an Army Special Services group (they supplied baseball gear and kept the juke boxes filled--tough duty) arranged for fireworks. On a couple of occasions, we watched the show from the decks of Japanese houseboats in a river in Yokohama. We brought snacks and the houseboat people furnished a place to sit. The houseboat people were the poorest of the poor and dad made sure we always brought gifts which was the custom in those times. Cash money was always inside the "presentos," but never given openly. The houseboats and the river itself are now history.
Later, when the Navy ran things, the fireworks show was moved to the beach below Area 1 military housing. The mortar shells were fired over the oceanside and I believe we sat in the bleachers of the little league baseball park near the swimming pool.
A drive-in movie screen size display was the finale. Ignited from the bottom, it featured American flags, the Statue of Liberty and the line "Good bye, Colonel Taggart." I never knew who Col. Taggart was but the Navy was probably glad to get rid of him.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

4th July 2010/7/5 00:17
I would love to hear from each of us as to what you are doing for the 4th ? There are somewhat different traditions from state to state, Kaoru might like this.

Here, Janet and I have been working long hot days cleaning out her mothers house. Subsiquently we are beyond pooped so we "hope" to stay home and relax. I am cooking and doing laundry and a couple is comming over this afternoon for a swim in the pool and a BBQ.
Later, the "word on the street" has it that the 30 gal drum blast is on for about 10 pm. It is about 2 miles from here, so we should get a nice shockwave, and no blown out windows.
We will break out the 'old" 57 cal rifles and of course the small arms. Next door, they are setting up some kind of tube launchers, so we will see what that is all about.
Finally we will watch the fireworks and concert from the Hatch shell in Boston. I have never been to the "big show". A million people gives me the creeps, wouldn't go if I was paid.
Nice day to stay home. Too many drunks and cops elsewhere.
Who's next ?
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Today's agenda 2010/7/5 00:53
Four nice salmon steaks, to be cooked over direct charcoal (five minutes meat side down, seven minutes skin side down) accompanied by Uncle Ben's rice mix to which I add a cup of Minnesota wild rice, cooked in our Japanese rice cooker (it never fails.)
The wild rice requires a little extra water and time in the cooker but still is somewhat crunchy. Mennonite tomatoes in a spinach salad, a bottle of Okee-Dokee California white, followed up by a swim and then naps.

BTW; our night time visitor of late, Mr. Armadillo, crossed over this morning. He will not be missed.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

4th of July 2010/7/5 03:18
We're in the Berkshires, in western Massachusetts. In Tanglewood, which is a mile down the road, James Taylor and Carole King are giving concerts, last night tonight and tomorrow. The place is sold out, meaning that 5000 people will be sitting inside the 3-sided shed/concert hall, and the 13000 others will be picnicking and listening on the great lawns that surround the shed. Luckily the weather has been sunny and warm.

Our guests - cousins of Ron's from Portland, Oregon - just left for home from Albany airport. However, our NH cousins are here. The lake is great. The menu, like Eric's, will consist of salmon (baked indoors, lemon and herb-based sauce, delicious, though we have to try Eric's method - sounds great), baked asparagas (coat in olive oil, sprinkle course salt liberally, bakd at high heat for 8 minutes - the best!), salad with avocados and local tomatoes and stuff, sweet corn, and couscous made with pine nuts and dried cranberries. This is one of our favorite meals and pleases everyone.

Fireworks over our lake last night and this, courtesy of Tanglewood, as well as some individual homes around the lake - the stuff is illegal in Massachusets so has to be "imported" from the south.

Happy 4th, everyone - let's hear that everyone's out there, and well, and still reading our long-standing post.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

4th of July 2010/7/5 04:02
The other day we put up the Avenue of Flags in the cemetery, over three hundred large flags. It is a really beautiful display. I didnft go to church this morning, because I go to a country church and there wouldnft be many there today, as most members are on vacation, and a few farmers are still trying to get the rest of their crops planted (the fields have been really wet). Tonight, there will be a fireworks display across the lake at the city park, and mom and I can see it from our front porch. I wish I could cook as good as Eric, Steffi, and Peter. Mom wishes I could too! Happy 4th to all!
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Happy Fourth of July! 2010/7/5 07:13
Peter-san said, "I would love to hear from each of us as to what you are doing for the 4th?" Looks like just about everyone who has checked in so far is cooking and watching fireworks.
We have one of the biggest fireworks displays here on the DC Mall about four miles away but I won't go near there and have only watched it from a distance once about twenty years ago. I will hear the fireworks but unfortunately explosive sounds do not bring back pleasant memories.
Eric and Steffi posted nice menus but I'm too far away to crash their parties. Normally I would have fired up the Weber and cooked something outside but Barbara suggested we eat out tonight so I will probably have BBQ ribs but I may break with tradition and go to a Japanese restaurant now that I'm thinking about what I am in the mood for.
I do salmon on the grill with Old Bay but I don't cook it as long as Eric. I do just about every kind of meat. I cook most of our evening meals on the BBQ in the summer. I also have a rice cooker which gets used a couple times a week but I stick to Hinode white rice which I like better than the rice I get out anywhere. It makes great fried rice too.
Does anyone remember a place down the street from Peanuts called Negishiya? It was across the street a couple blocks down Isezaki going away from the bay. A late hours dive that I used to go to from Peanuts for food and coffee. I had forgotten the name but there was a picture of its sign in one of the photo albums posted recently.
Enjoy your Fourth of July and your freedom.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishiya in Isezaki-chou 2010/7/5 08:23
Hello, Dave-san

Yes, there was "Negisiya" in Isezaki-chou. I went several times. My dad was transferred from the Yamate police station to the Isezaki. He was a detective, those days. At that time, I was a high school student. I frequently went to the Isezaki police station. Negisiya was a mysterious. It drank cheaply and able to eat like a diner.

It was lost there due to closing the shop and fire. The fire seems to have been arson of the insurance aim.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Dave-san and Kaoru-san 2010/7/5 10:25
Negishiya sounds so familiar. I think I went there a couple of times after the Peanut Club. Was it a big place, kind of like an automat?
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Hegishiya 2010/7/5 11:26
Yes, Negishiya was a big tavern. It was not possible to find searched for the pix. Dave-san might find it. Wally-san, I am glad to speak again with you.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishiya 2010/7/5 16:31
Kaoru-san & Wally-san: Here's two links to the picture with the Negishiya sign. As I recall it was a big old place with wooden tables or booths that was always open and not particularly clean or orderly. I remember going there to eat late at night but not much else. The last link is the Peanut Club.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Negishiya 2010/7/5 20:14
Thank you very much Dave san. Those pix are Negisiya. I am a surprise for you to have found its pictures. The Chinese character is written, "Negisiya headquarters". And, the commercial of sake is drawn. I am drinking a little. I never drank at home. I celebrate Independence Day of US at Yokohama.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Steffi 2010/7/6 22:59
I see that Queen Elizabeth is visiting New York City. Please tell her that Wally says hey!
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Wally-san 2010/7/7 01:18
Will do! We happen to be in the City for a couple of days - didn't want to miss "Mom" or any of the heat wave!
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

NYC 102 2010/7/7 09:10
At 102 why would anyone visit New York City.
Hey Dave-san Please invent a way to save all of this heat so I can use it next winter. New England is cooking!!
Signed: Not a happy Camper.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

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