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Guam or Okinawa? 2010/9/27 03:15
Guam's advantages:
Guam is 1,500 miles away from Japan but it is also 1,500 miles further away from China and Russia, two potential advisories. Guam is strategically much more defensible in a future conflict.
Guam is 1,500 miles closer to the US mainland.
Guam is US territory.
Okinawa's advantages:
None that I can think of.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Okinawa's Advantages: 2010/9/27 03:57
1) B.C. Street, 2) Whispering Alley, and 3) Moon Beach.
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Okinawa 2010/9/27 06:40
Wally-san..sounds like you've been there .These places sound like
Art gallerys, museums, and fine cultured places..right ? [ Dave he got you there ]
Maybe I'll google it and see..
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Art Galleries & Museums in Guam 2010/9/27 13:49
No sweat Peter-san. Wholesome food and beverage distributers and other cultural venues and galleries such as Wally mentions that are currently available in Okinawa will immediately spring up anywhere we station troops. I'm sure the local artists and entertainers in Guam are already planning expansion to meet the new demand for cultural activities.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Sullivan School on Yokosuka base 2010/9/28 04:55
I stopped reading this thread at about the 7th page but I noticed someone posted a YoHi link. I went on the link and sure enough there was a mention of Sullivan School but anyone know how I can access names of students that have attended Sullivan only or the link administer assumes Alums of YoHi attended Sullivan as well? Is it possible and/or how can I contact alums? I've tried FB aleady to no avail.
by koolchick rate this post as useful

Move from Okinawa to Guam 2010/9/28 07:59
Among the other possible consequences from moving the U. S. military from Okinawa to Guam, especially if Guam is overcrowded, is the potential economic benefits for Saipan and Tinian, the closest islands to Guam in the Marianas chain of islands. Saipan suffered a huge economic downturn -- many welfare recipients there now -- when about 36 garment factories had to close because of competition from cheaper labor in Asia. The consequences of this move of the U. S. military from Okinawa to Guam will be interesting to watch.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

new book 2010/9/29 02:15
The Oct 14 edition of the New York Review of Books carries a review of Japan scholar Donald Keene's new book titled, "So Lovely a Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers."
The review is by Ian Buruma, a Dutch national who has studied in Japan and turned out several books on Asia.
Keene, who went ashore with the US Navy on Okinawa, cites writings by a dozen Japanese intellectuals of the day and discusses their politics, their dislike of the war and the humilation afterward.
One writer, Jun Takami, hated the militarists' despotism but is galled by the fact that an occupying nation has encouraged self-government and commonwealth.
He writes, "When I think back to the fact that freedom, which naturally should have been given by the people's own government, could not be given, and instead has been bestowed for the first time by the forces of a foreign country occupying their own, I cannot escape feelings of shame."
Many Japanese had been fighting for almost a century for more democratic institutions. Japan in the 1920s was, in fact, more liberal than any other government in Asia, almost all of which were ruled by colonial regimes.
Yankee "Demokurashi" was something entirely new, however.
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Sullivans School 2010/9/29 04:57

Check out:
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

inquires 2010/9/30 04:49
I may have some info on some of your inquires since I lived in the Kominato area since 1934 and attended SJC......aloha, john
by yoneaki rate this post as useful

Ricksha Room 2010/9/30 08:33
A few pages back someone mentioned the Ricksha Room, and I thought I had been there as it sounded familiar. Today I was going through some of my "stuff" and I found a matchbook cover from the Ricksha Room. It is black, with white and gold printing on it, and on the back it says "Finest Foods, Cocktails, we never close, Free Delivery, and the telephone number. It is not the usual little paper box, it folds over the matches like American style.
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ricksha Room 2010/9/30 09:53
If you use the link below, the Ricksha Room is mentioned on this yokosuka forum page:


There's more if you search google for Ricksha Room + Yokohama.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Kamiseya 2010/10/2 07:16
I am new to this site and happened to read an old thread about the Kamiseya Naval Communications Station. Not sure how much info was left hanging out but I was a Marine stationed at Kamiseya from Sept '63 to Sept '65. From there I went to S Vietnam.

Kamiseya was a single purpose location devoted to signal and electronic intelligence. Numerous antenna fields around it. It was small and populated by sailors and Marines who manned posts in a connected group of buildings know as The Tunnel. All the military were part of the Naval Security Group which was part of the NSA. Personnel from the base were also involved in other short term missions away from Japan.

I laughed when I read one comment about Kami having a reputation as a rowdy bunch when they were on liberty. I can personally attest to that, we were well known in Chinatown in Yokohama and several bars had
placed us off limits. I couldn't even begin to describe the sheer joy of being a young Marine in Japan in those days. LOL, every day was a holiday and every meal a feast.

Unlike most of the guys I made it a point to spend a lot of time in Tokyo. I can now reveal that I would pick up a bottle of Johnny Walker Red from the Navy liquor store for about 3 bucks and sell it to a bar in Tokyo for $15 in yen which, at that time, was plenty enough to party into the wee hours.

We suffered a horrible accident at Kami just several days before I left when the tunnel caught on fire and 11 sailors and Marines died. I went to a memorial service for that in Pensacola several years ago. Pensacola is where all of us went for our training before joining the NSG.

Great days, I have only been back to Japan once in 1991 for a 2 week vacation but plan to be over there next year visiting a friend who is doing consulting work in Tokyo, he was also a Kami Marine.

I went ahead and wrote this primarily because I saw a name (Wally) who it appears was posting back then and also now.

Thanks for letting me relive some wonderful memories.
by Tampa Marine (guest) rate this post as useful

Tampa Marine 2010/10/2 23:51
Welcome to the forum. Back then the experiences I had in Japan were an interesting and pleasurable part of my life that has never been surpassed. Many others in this forum, especially Peter-san, feel the same way. I was a medic in the 106th Army Hospital, Yokohama, 1967-68, and when we werenft on duty we were partying, mostly to forget what we saw when we were on duty. I tried to do my part off duty with as much debauchery as I could get away with, but I see I was just an amateur compared to those Kamiseya guys. Did you ever go to the Red Shoes Bar in Chinatown, or to the Peanut Club?
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Kamiseya base 2010/10/4 00:53
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Welcome 2010/10/4 10:47
Tampa Marine
I was there from 67-69, including the Pueblo
"incident". Captain Bucher and his family lived not far from me yet we were in a Japanese apartment. The 'neighborhood" got pretty tense when that happened and the familys really pulled together, especially the Navy wives. My inderstanding is that Mrs Bucher went back to the states.
I met you "Kami" guys on three occasions.
The first was a bunch of guys at the now famous "Peanut Club". We were at the bar, where you could meet people and "talk" [above the bands??]..the guy next to me and I got talking I asked him where he was stationed and what he did. He said he was from Kamisea and that facility did "radio repair". I know now that this was a ruse and that he probably was told to use this cover story..especially to strangers in bars.
Next was a guy in a restaurant on Isezaki-cho. We didn't have much of a talk as he was with his "date". They were having lunch..well..he had a coke and she was double chowing down. There are sometimes when you don't ask questions. I think they has something else going on..you figure ?
Finally, I met a couple of Kami-guys at the summit of Mt.Fuji. We were cold and took shelter in a large stone hut.There were a couple of guys listening to a small transistor radio. They were very interested in what was on the air.we asked whats going on and they said here it is !! Tranquility base here..the Eagle has landed" ..so if it wasn't for some of you guys I wouldn't have this world class tale to tell..and a true one at that.
So I left Japan still thinking that all that Kamisea did was to fix electronic stuff, and was a repair shop..little did I know..so you guys kept it hush..and we all know now that the Navy intel has all of the really important secrets no ?
and..Hi Kaoru..thanks for the links, glad your back..
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Joe G. - PPCJ and Gee Fellas 2010/10/5 11:47
Sorry I've not responded - no excuse. This site will not accept the photobucket address nor will it let me copy the photos directly to it. Any more suggestions?
by Mike Stag rate this post as useful

Blog 2010/10/5 13:51

I up-loaded the pics to the blog , and wrote the URL on this site before.


by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Mike 2010/10/6 03:38
Look above your last post. It's entitled "Kamiseya base". There are url's posted. It shouldn't be a problem. Another option might be to post your photobucket screen name. I believe one can search photobucket by entering that name on the sign in page.
Thanks for trying!
by Joe G. (guest) rate this post as useful

A web site 2010/10/7 00:27
A wise man once said that the more complex and serious a person is the more that they have a need for light hearted fun.
Last night I was surfing and found this and ..ok I know its pretty stupid but at the same time it is a marvel of interactive technology. And its simple and easy. [works for me]
I show you this at the risk of your thinking I'm an idiot, but if only one of you-all gets the belly laugh I did from it, I will take my chances.
go to..Rubberfacesdotcom.
let me know what you think.
I especially would like Wallys take on it as I value his opinion..[and I suspect that he will dig it]
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Hi Wally and Peter 2010/10/8 06:11
Thanks for responding to my Kamiseya post. Yes, Wally I was a regular at the Red Shoes which really started hopping at midnight when all the regular bars closed and the girls were free to roam. I especially remember the go go girls dancing in the cages, great place. Another place I liked was the Italian Gardens on that street that ran in front of the Navy Exchange. They had banned Kamiseya military but I had an old ID from when I was a military dependent and had no problem getting in, neat place.

I also got to Isezaki Cho and the Peanuts Bar pretty often. Manys the time I wound up in there high and hungry about 1 AM and I'd chow down on some fried rice. One other favorite place for Kami guys was The Cozy Corner Bar where we would suck down beers until the sun rose

Another really great area I spent time in was Hayama Beach. In the summers of '64 and '65 a group of us Marines rented a beach house. There were also other houses rented by sailors from Kamiseya. I had many a fun day on the beach especially on Saturdays and Sundays when the girls from Tokyo would come down in droves.

In Tokyo I hopped around to different bars in different areas but would usually wind up in Shinjuku at a jazz coffe house around midnight and groove on the music for many hours smoking and drinking coffee. Also a good place to strike up a conversation with Japanese girls in there.

I was actually a military dependent in Japan from 57 to 60 and graduated from HS there at the old Johnson AFB, just down from Yokota where my father was stationed. Between that tour and later with the Marines, it may have been the best 5 years of my life.

Peter, almost everybody had a Top Secret clearence at Kamiseya. The work was fascinating, often challenging and gave you a feeling of actually contributing to the defense of the country.
by Tampa Marine (guest) rate this post as useful

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