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Radiation issues in Tokyo area 2011/7/9 00:26
Fukushima is off the front pages.

I have recently gotten a request from our friend Michiko for us to buy her two personal radiation detectors, made in the US by the Rae corporation, in California. The concern is especially serious for youngsters, who are at greatest risk. We have ordered the detectors for her - but there is 4 to 6 week waiting period to obtain them. In Japan they are practically unavailable because of the great demand, and the cost is twice the US cost - 88,000 yen, or over $1000.

The following comes from another person in Japan, who responded to my husband's brother, Jay, who is a scientist:

Fukushima reactors have not been resolved yet, and I hear that some cities of Chiba ( a prefecture adjacent to Tokyo) and some districts(=ku) of Tokyo such as Edogawa-ku, Katsushika-ku have relatively high values of radiation. I heard from a freind that radiation detectors were out for rent but they are all rented out now and people especially with children are wanting to have their own. It does seem to be that the concern for radiation really varies depending on which area of Tokyo you are from. Also I feel that the government does/must know to some degree but not giving out realistic solutions to citizens who are actually facing the problems.

Is Michiko san from Chiba or these parts of Tokyo? This summer, we , as a country have to seriously save energy and therefore we have to set air conditioning at a high degree. I can imagine that if there is a high level of radiation outside people would not want to open windows. It is also said that we are going to have a severe heatwave in the coming months; I really doubt that little babies or elderly can do without airconditioning .The media here is warning people of hyperthermia.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Steffi 2011/7/12 23:49
Did you and Tracy ever connect so he could find a way to send the pictures he took in Yokohama to you. I had suggested connecting via instant messaging like AIM or Facebook? .....just curious. Hopefully it has worked out.
by Lori (guest) rate this post as useful

Home again 2011/7/14 02:49
Steffi and All,

I just returned home from three weeks away at a remote farm in Wales on a working vacation. Will write when I catch up with reality and we can try and figure out a way to view the photos.


by Tracy (guest) rate this post as useful

Hi Lori and Tracy 2011/7/18 13:28
Welcome home Tracy. I assume by home you mean the US. And what is a "working vacation" mean? Sounds like it may be interesting.

Lori - we have not yet figured out how to connect and view the pictures. I'm not really computer savvy - in fact, I'm quite dependent on others to do anything other then find information, and send emails. But I thought I could figure out how to produce a short term email address which I would use just for purposes of seeing the pictures which Tracy was kind enough to take. Will work on that. I don't think I want to be on Facebook, and I am not familiar with your other suggestion.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

World Cup 2011/7/18 13:34
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: World Cup 2011/7/18 16:16
Peter, Japan's winning of the World Cup is an occasion worthy of another of your fine haikus.

Dave-san, good to see you back on the forum.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiku request 2011/7/18 22:56

by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

World Cup Haiku 2011/7/20 01:37
Peter, thank you for your fine haiku. You are amazing -- our forum haiku poet. I hope you are preserving your collection for publication someday. Your family would love such a legacy.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiku 2011/7/20 07:34
Peter, thanks for the masterful haiku celebrating Japan's World Cup win. You have impressive talent. I hope you are preserving your collection for publication someday. What a wonderful legacy that would be for your family.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Barbara 2011/7/20 09:15
Amazing..impressive..!? Barbara I am so humbled....It comes easily..mostly...
As I said before..I don't save these as they are ephermiral...so have at it..
I do weddings too. Thanks for the ego boost
You ought to see my Ikebana....
Who loves you !
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiku 2011/7/21 09:28
My apologies for the duplicate messages. I may be losing brain cells but am not really that ditzy -- for some reason my messages seem to take a while to get posted, making me think that they've not transmitted. Oh well, Peter gets to read twice (and now three times) how talented he is. What good fortune to have that kind of natural gift.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiiku.. almost... 2011/7/21 12:53
Oh Barbara..do you hear me complaining ??..

I guess it makes up for my spelling...

Your complements might..

In the heat of the night..

Make me think that its all in the telling...
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Finding radioactivity on their own... 2011/8/2 01:41
July 31, 2011
Japanese Find Radioactivity on Their Own

IWAKI, Japan \ Kiyoko Okoshi had a simple goal when she spent about $625 for a dosimeter: she missed her daughter and grandsons and wanted them to come home.

Local officials kept telling her that their remote village was safe, even though it was less than 20 miles from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. But her daughter remained dubious, especially since no one from the government had taken radiation readings near their home.

So starting in April, Mrs. Okoshi began using her dosimeter to check nearby forest roads and rice paddies. What she found was startling. Near one sewage ditch, the meter beeped wildly, and the screen read 67 microsieverts per hour, a potentially harmful level. Mrs. Okoshi and a cousin who lives nearby worked up the courage to confront elected officials, who did not respond, confirming their worry that the government was not doing its job.

With her simple yet bold act, Mrs. Okoshi joined the small but growing number of Japanese who have decided to step in as the government fumbles its reaction to the widespread contamination, which leaders acknowledge is much worse than originally announced. Some mothers as far away as Tokyo, 150 miles to the south of the plant, have begun testing for radioactive materials. And when radiation specialists recently offered a seminar in Tokyo on using dosimeters, more than 250 people showed up, forcing organizers to turn some people away.

Even some bureaucrats have taken the initiative: officials in several towns in Fukushima Prefecture are cleaning the soil in schoolyards without help from the central government, and a radiation expert with the Health Ministry who quit his job over his bossesf slow response to the nuclear accident is helping city leaders in Fukushima do their own monitoring.

Such activism would barely merit comment in the United States, but it is exceptional in a country where people generally trust their leaders to watch out for them. That faith has been eroded by a sense that government officials have been, at best, overwhelmed by the enormousness of the disaster, and at worst, hiding how bad things are.

gThey donft riot and they donft even demonstrate very much, but they are not just sitting on their hands, either,h said Gerald Curtis, Burgess Professor of Political Science at Columbia University and a longtime Japan expert. gWhat the dosimeter issue reveals is that people are getting more nervous rather than less about radiation dangers.h

The corrosion of trust, at first aimed at faceless bureaucrats and lawmakers in distant Tokyo, now includes governors, mayors and city councils as well, a potentially unsettling trend because it pits neighbors against neighbors. That trust may also be hard to restore: under pressure from concerned citizens, bureaucrats in Tokyo have expanded their monitoring, but many people doubt that the governmentfs standards are safe or that officials are doing a thorough enough job of testing.

It did not help that the government recently had to backtrack on the acceptable exposure levels for schoolchildren after a senior government adviser quit in a tearful news conference, saying he did not want children to be exposed to such levels, and parents protested. The recent discovery that radioactive beef made it into stores raised fresh alarms.

gWe need to do strict research to make people feel assured,h said Keiichi Miho, the mayor of Nihonmatsu, a city of 60,000 people west of the Daiichi plant. The mayor is one of a growing number of local officials who have tackled the issue directly, spending millions of dollars on steps like creating a radiation map of his city. gThatfs the only way to regain credibility.h

Mrs. Okoshi, a lifelong farmer, lives with her 85-year-old mother, and one of her daughters resisted the lure of the cities that has drawn so many Japanese, choosing instead to live under the same roof as her mother and grandmother.

In uncharted territory, Mrs. Okoshi said she apologized to her neighbor for making trouble.

Still, she felt she had no other choice. Several weeks after the crisis began in March, there were still fewer than 10 monitoring posts in Iwaki, and most of them were in the more populated parts of the city, rather than its outlying villages, like Shidamyo, where Mrs. Okoshi lives.

Plus, her rambling farmhouse was feeling increasingly empty, since her husband died several months ago and her daughterfs family fled, as did many others.

gOur life was so lively when the four boys were running around the mountains in the back of the house,h she said.

After Mrs. Okoshifs tests continued to show high levels of radiation, her cousin Chuhei Sakai, also a farmer in the area, went with several other villagers to show her data to the mayor. He did not respond, Mr. Sakai said.

Since then, she has earned a reputation for her grass-roots monitoring. gEvery time I have mentioned my name at meetings recently, city officials there say, eAh, you are the one who measured the radiation,f h she said.

Mr. Sakai suspects that the city leaders \ who say testing should be handled by the national and prefectural government \ declined to act because they wanted to avoid any stigma that the findings might create.

The dynamics of the fight began to shift with the arrival of valuable reinforcements. One was Kazuyoshi Sato, a councilman who has long opposed the nuclear industry, an unpopular stance in a city where many people were employed at the Daiichi plant.

Although dosimeter measurements taken by amateurs are considered crude because they measure only one kind of radiation emission and do not account for how long a person may have been exposed to it, Mr. Sato suspected that Mrs. Okoshifs fears were founded after he saw a map of airborne and soil readings made by the United States Department of Energy and the Japanese government. It, too, is relatively basic, but it showed a patch of bright yellow right over her village of Shidamyo, an indicator of high levels of the radioactive isotopes cesium 134 and cesium 137.

The councilman, in turn, recruited Shinzo Kimura, the radiation expert who quit the Health Ministry. Mr. Kimura has since done extensive testing to see if Mrs. Okoshifs readings were right. He says they are \ and that is bad news.

Radioactive materials do not always fall in neat patterns; vagaries of wind direction and landscape can mean one area is hit badly, while others nearby are not. Although some areas of Iwaki showed relatively low levels of radioactive materials, soil samples from one farm in Shidamyo show levels of radioactive materials that Mr. Kimura says are as high as those found in the evacuation zone around the Chernobyl nuclear accident site in Ukraine.

The city has finally decided to start monitoring for radioactive materials in the air, but has not yet determined how serious its problems are. Mrs. Okoshi takes no comfort in having been proven right, but she feels she has made a difference. She knows because the friend to whom she offered an apology for making a fuss assured her it was not necessary.

gShe said, eNo, no.f h Mrs. Okoshi recalled. geI would have no information if you didnft measure.f h

Yasuko Kamiizumi contributed reporting.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Moral of the story 2011/8/2 09:38
Thanks for posting this. Perhaps the moral is that in the light of huge disasters, that even big government can't step in and solve all of the problems. And that given that limitation moreover that citizens have a right and responsiblity to take measures in their own hands to protect themselves. Furthur perhaps it is the publics best intrest to not get into the mind -set in the first place that the govenment has the answers and means to do it all.
This speaks to the concept of limited government. ne ?
Thanks Steffi
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Bonodori 2011/8/6 04:21
Minasama, Konnchiwa

I found link of "Bonodori".


Tanoshinde kudasai ne!
Please enjoy.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Odori 2011/8/6 10:06
I Loved the Bon odori!! I even dressed up for it..
I think Wally remembers it too..
he called it the Borbon -O- Dori. or was it whiskey au go-go can't be sure.
That canal will never be the same..I remember...so glad the tide was going out.
Time for a midsummer Haiku...I'm working on it....
Domo Kaoru-sama
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiku 2011/8/6 23:47
As promised:

The owl calls from the deep forrest darkness
Where are you...
Kitty, Kitty.....
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

I messed up..again 2011/8/6 23:51
Thatshould have been
Wally will forgive me...
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Bon Odori Festival 2011/8/9 03:51
I remember the Bon Odori Festivals that were held at the Navy Exchange parking lot on Honmoku-dori. I attended in the early 1980's. A wonderful experience for all. The Japanese had the opportunity to sample American food and the Americans had a chance to sample Japanese festival-type food. And the Americans had the opportunity to learn the O-bon dance. Lots of cultural interaction. Kaoru, did you attend the festival in that location. I think you would have been a boy at that time.
by Lori (guest) rate this post as useful

Bon Odori 2011/8/9 07:45
Hi, Lori san

Sure, I enjoyed Bon Odori, Yakitoi, Okonomi-Yaki, junk foods and fireworks.

I was born in 1959. I danced by small Yukata in 1960s. My daddy was bodyguard of best friend.

Yokohama is Hot!!


by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

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