
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Sannotani 2011/8/27 08:57
I use to lived at Honmoku Motomachi not far from Sannotani. My name is Fred Gordo and address where I live is 15-8 Honmoku Motomachi,Naka-ku, Yokohama and there was playground call Zoosan(Elephant Playground)
and house where I live and paid rent to the Hirai family. Just up the road, my cousin Julio Rangel. I went to Saint Joseph College from 1957 -1969 and at the present I live in Vancouver, BC Canada. If you want me a email here is email address
by Rickgo rate this post as useful

Concerned 2011/8/30 05:38
I've been keeping those of our Japan Forum members who live on the East Coast in my thoughts and prayers----for their personal safety and for little or no property damage.
Waiting to hear from them (as soon as power is restored).
by Lori (guest) rate this post as useful

Lori et al 2011/8/30 09:56
Hurricane Irene spared our section of New Hampshire. We had wind and rain but strangely no power outage. Others in our town of Kingston NH were electrocuted
from their screen door, but survived. We were most fortunate, and well prepaired just in case. I have a case of beans and franks...cheap..!!
Thanks for asking and your concern. Tonight the temperature is slated to be in the upper 40's..brrrr
There has to be a haiku in this somewhere...
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Thanks for your concern Lori 2011/8/30 15:04
No problems for me in Alexandria, Virginia. Irene was as uneventful as our recent earthquake. Unlike most people in Virginia I have been through "real" earthquakes in Japan and California so I could enjoy our little earthquake. My biggest problem was disbelief. My first thought was maybe someone had tried to blow up the Pentagon again, which is three miles from me, but I didn't hear any explosions or sirens like on 9-11 so I finally decided we were really having a small earthquake.
I didn't lose power or have any damage from Irene. It pretty much missed us here. Other parts of Virginia weren't as lucky.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

We're fine also! 2011/8/31 14:54
Thanks, Lori, for your thoughts. We here in Berkshire County, in western Massachusetts, lost power and water for a while, and we were cut off from access to town by fallen trees and downed wires, but we were well prepared with food and water, and luckily suffered no personal damage from the high winds or massive rainfall. We are uphill from our lake, and had no flooding problems.

There was quite a bit more damage in areas of northern NJ, the outskirts of NYC, the Catskill towns of NY, Vermont and the shoreline communities of Connecticut. My former husband lives in the tiny village of Windham, NY, which sadly lost it's entire downtown area - it has been much in the news.

Hopefully this is one-time event, and will not happen again.

I'm glad Dave-san is okay - we haven't heard from him for a while. Peter and I have been in touch - we are grateful to him for his very helpful advice in handling things during these weather-related crises.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Hey Rickgo 2011/9/6 00:48
Sent an email your way...
by Eric (guest) rate this post as useful

Todays Haiku 2011/9/14 01:00
Like Bastogne in winter..
My little squirrels...
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Genki des-ka? 2011/9/15 15:16
(hope I got that right, lol)
Greetings to all from Las Vegas.
by Joe G. (guest) rate this post as useful

Joe G. 2011/9/20 02:52
"Watashi-wa Ginki-des"
I think that means, "I am fine."
However, I was taught the language by a Japanese girlfriend, so it could mean "I am a cheap bastard!"
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Language translation 2011/9/21 23:32
Your girl friend was saying
" Are you kinki" [when you add ka]
otherwise with des she is saying
" I am kinki" as in take your clothes off and jump into Tokyo Bay..
Language is fun ne ?
Special reoprt cumming soon..lets call it the palm tree research and appreciation committee report..any guesses? Steffis guess doesn't count ..she knows.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Genkidesu 2011/9/22 02:50
Watashi wa genki desu. "I am fine"
Genki means fine.
However, Japan had the attack a strong typhoon.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Typhoon 2011/9/22 09:51
We are following the typhoon..please stay safe and dry.
Kaoru..I was joking with Wally-san, Kinki means...very strange and does odd things that are questionable....Like Wally-san and me!!
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/10/10 10:20
In the early 70's around 73-75 i used to patrol the streets in Yokohama and all three of the housing areas.my name is Richard and i was one of the Yokohama shore patrol. used to do a lot of police work there mainly escort for the navy exchange, the Bank, looking for lost children, breaking up fights at the sea side club and patrolling china town. never a dull moment always had something going on with 7,000 military family's to keep safe we had our work cut out for us. they were good years lots of memories. thanks for this page i like it.
by richyhone rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/10/11 23:41
It was located on Ave D. Ave D was the road that went from Motomachi area, through tunnel toward Yokosuka ( an hour or so away). On the left of the Navy Exchange was Sea Side (I believe) and behind it was the sea, beach. Now the beach is filled. San Keihin Gardens are near the old base area. ( not next to it) In Japanese, the exchange was located in the NA KA-KU area of Yokohama.
by don roper photography (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/10/12 12:14
Very nice to find this sifht. I was an MP in Yokohama in 69-70. Remember the Seaside club well. Lived at Bayside Courts and patrolled mainly Norht pier and Kishine Barracks hospital . Was anyone there then. Is Bayside gone. Love to find that others are seeking this kind of info.
by Larry Stark (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/10/12 12:15
Very nice to find this sight. I was an MP in Yokohama in 69-70. Remember the Seaside club well. Lived at Bayside Courts and patrolled mainly Norht pier and Kishine Barracks hospital . Was anyone there then. Is Bayside gone. Love to find that others are seeking this kind of info.
by Larry Stark (guest) rate this post as useful

Larry 2011/10/12 22:32
Welcome Larry
Bayside Courts is now gone and in its place is a Japanese housing complex.
I was based out of Bayside Courts but lived in a Japanese apartment not far from there. I worked as a food inspector at center pier.
My friends Terri Breitenstein and John Boyle
both food inspectors told me that they were friendly with MP,s who lived in the building. You no doubt went to Ft Gordon for AIT. I took basic there.
I was there from 66 to late 69. Remember the Peanut Club ?
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

MP Stark 2011/10/12 23:40
Welcome to the forum. I was an Army medic at Kishine Barracks, 1967-68, so just missed getting arrested by you, sorry! I used to hang out at the Peanut Club, The Cow Bell, Zebra Club, The Koran, VFW, Tasagara, Red Shoes in Chinatown, and numerous bars in between. I bet you've got some great stories about things that happened in those bars, and I would love to hear some of them. How about it?
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

MPs & SPs 2011/10/13 14:12
Good to see some new people here. Welcome Richard & Larry!
This subject is interesting because I was a Marine stationed at Atsugi during part of 64-65 and spent a lot of time in Yokohama where I had lived a little over ten years earlier as an Army dependant. I don't recall ever seeing any military police or shore patrol in Yokohama during 64-65. Maybe that was because I tended to pull liberty off the beaten path but I did make an exception for the Peanut Club, a truly great place to drop by and hang out.
However, this subject does bring back memories of living in Yokohama during 53-54. The US Army was big in Yokohama then and MPs were everywhere that US troops, who had to be in uniform, went. Generally, as a dependant Army brat, I didn't have to worry too much about the MPs but I did have one memorable experience that I had forgotten until now. Somehow a friend and I managed get ourselves thrown out of the famous Bill Chickering Theater and turned over to the MPs for a ride home. I don't remember what our offense was, probably something not very serious, but I do remember the very unpleasant welcome I received at home.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

MP Stories 2011/10/14 00:39
I see that I forgot to welcome Don who also knows a good bit about the Yokohama Navy Exchange back in the good old days. Welcome Don. I'm curious as to how you know so much?
Richard & Larry - I, like Wally, would appreciate hearing some MP & SP stories about Yokohama back in the day. I have a professional interest. I spent a good bit of time on MP duty in the Mediterranean and Caribbean prior to being assigned to Atsugi. I could tell some great MP stories, but since mine didn't happen in Japan this isn't the place.
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

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