
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Dedicated to Peter 2011/12/2 06:30
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
This ain't a poem,
It's a Haiku.
by Wally (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Dedicated to Peter 2011/12/2 09:11

Wally, you and Peter are much too young :) to be so smart. You made me smile with your clever and delightful verbal sally:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
This ain't a poem,
It's a Haiku.
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Haiku 2011/12/2 13:44
See Wall I knew she'd like it.
You can send the 20 bucks to my regular address.
And so Barbara-san
Who is the better haiku master ?
On second thought..better not...
I can't take regection.
There is no way I can compete with Roses are Red...
Lets see...
There once was a man from Missouri....
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

A Limerick? 2011/12/4 10:24
For Wally and Peter and anyone else who wants to join in and supply the next line, Peter has started what could be an amusing group constructed limerick:

There once was a man from Missouri
Who loved Yokohama so truly

Hint: "Limericks consist of five lines. The rhyme scheme is aabba. In other words, Lines One, Two, and Five all rhyme with each other, and Lines Three and Four rhyme with each other (in some limericks, Lines One and Five end with the same word and rhyme with Line Two)."
by Barbara (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/12/4 13:21
Konnchiwa, Minasama

Barbara, Peter and wally san, your poetry is so nice,

My aunt was the instructor of Haiku.
She was a younger sister of my dad.
And she was chief nurse. But, passed away this spring.

Bashou Matsui wrote Haiku by his sensibility. This is simple ans "Wabi, Sabi" in Japanese. Please this word from Wiki.

My desktop computer brokeown,
perhaps it crash of a mother board,
Laptop is used now.
A new computer will get on Tuesday.

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/12/4 13:45
English Haiku, check this link;

by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Limrick 2011/12/4 23:17
I like Barbaras idea !

And while I know I started this I will keep the ball rolling with just one line then will refrain from the remainder, giving others an oppertunity. So..

There once was a man from Missouri
Who loved Yokohams so truly
Except for the fact

So there you go...

by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

My Limerick 2011/12/5 01:25
There once was a Marine from P A
Who roamed Yokohama to play
But he was sent from Japan
Down to South Vietnam
And sadly forever away
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Barbara /Dave 2011/12/6 11:35
Dave -san
Liked the Limrick, can you try the next line, of Barbaras.
It seems the third line is pivital. Perhaps I messed it up by making it too hard.
Who has the brainpower to pull us into that clever conclusion.

Oh..big car crash in Japan. several Ferraris
and other high end cars. Hope Kaorus-sans
sports car didn't get scratched.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Peter/Barbara 2011/12/6 14:55
There once was a man from Missouri
Who loved Yokohama so truly
Except for the fact
It was Yen that he lacked
So the girls all treated him poorly
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Limerick 2011/12/6 14:57
Konnichiwa, Peter-san, I saw Limerick at last. Don't worry, I own cheap Japanese compact car. The owners of those sports cars were speed over, And rain freeway.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

David /Limrick 2011/12/7 00:01
Oh David..You nailed it !!

I had thought that my 3rd line was a sink-hole but you pulled it out beautifully.
You get the gold star.
That being said I thought this was a round robin style exercise. But since you did it so beautifully..who cares...

Well..maybe we should try this with a Haiku ?

Here is the first "line"


Perhaps this is one that Kaoru-san can join in on.

by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Adrift 2011/12/7 02:49

There is no reason anyone here cannot resubmit a different line from what has already been submitted on these thereby giving us a variety Limericks or Haikus.

Question - What kind of rickshaw is a limrick?
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yokohama Navy Exchange was where? 2011/12/7 02:58
Hello, all

I am writing by my daughter's laptop.
This computers keyboard is not good.

There were much bad news this year. Large earthquake and global acute depression.

Many Japanese very appreciate operation Tomodach. And this forum exceeded 3000 times. It is glad for me that many American families have recollections good for Yokohama.

Please continue "Yokohama Navy Exchange was where?".

Minasama, Sayounara.
by Kaoru (guest) rate this post as useful

Kaoru-san 2011/12/7 04:31
You are right that we are all people who love Japan, and have valued the years we spent there. We would probably all welcome a chance to go back and visit!

And we are sorry about all the troubles that Japan has had this past year. Hopefully this coming year will be better.

Sorry about your computer. We hope you continue to post when it gets fixed. We have enjoyed the pictures in particular which you have sent us.

Just saw a wonderful new production of "Madame Butterfly". If you have access to the HD live movie broadcasts by the Metropolitan Opera, I highly recommend this performance to you - it is wonderful, with a stunning Japanese-looking production, a lovely Chinese Cio-Cio-san, beautiful sets and Japanese kimonos and other costumes, Bunraki-like puppets representing some of the characters, and subtitles so you will know what's going on - and, the gorgeous music to enjoy.
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

Kikkoman 2011/12/7 05:30
There once was a young man named Dan
who found himself stationed in Japan.
He fell in love with the chow
but Stateside there was none anyhow,
So he sprinkled his Wheaties with Kikkoman.
by Eric Davis (guest) rate this post as useful

Madame Butterfly 2011/12/7 05:54
by Dave-san (guest) rate this post as useful

Madama Butterfly 2011/12/7 11:37
Dave-san - Enjoy!

I'd forgotten that it can be seen online also - even easier than getting to a theater.

The beautiful production you'll see is the one I'm talking about, though the singers are the ones from 2009. But they were terrific also.

Make sure to have tissues nearby!
by Steffi (guest) rate this post as useful

On Dec 7th 2011/12/8 08:57
Well life is strange in its interconnectedness. Today is Dec 7th. The "Day of Infamy". Without what happened on that day, there would not have been the "sad Pacific war" as Kaour-san so aptly labled it. And thus the history that followed, and for most of us here, save Steffi, we would not have had the unique and memorable oppertunity that we each have had and the lasting precious memories that we now share. Just a reflection, not a political commentary.
Curiously, I was three years in Japan, and I don't recall any conversation, commeration, or acknowledgement of this day in world history. When I lived in Yokohama, it was like it never existed. In retrospect, I would have liked to explore the impressions and memories of the Japanese friends I came to meet, regarding these issues. I think that there was an unwritten understanding to leave it behind. Or perhaps it was a some unspoken group mentality that just didn't bring it up.
I did however, on a brief occasion, meet a former Kamikazi pilot. Oh how I wish I would have had the chance to interview him, and gleen his thoughts on service, loyalty, duty and sacrifice. War is not a good thing, but it brought us all together, and enriched our lives immeasurably, forever.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

Dec 7th 2011/12/9 00:05
Wife and I visited Hawaii a little over a year ago to celebrate our retirement.

We spent a full day at Pearl and took our turn on the US Navy boat that took us out to the Arizona Memorial and then over to the Missouri.

The boat was mostly tourists from Japan, along with a few old timers like us.

Curious as to why so many Japanese would be interested in this, I asked one young man in the best Japanese i could muster, why he wanted to see the Arizona. His answer was (in better English than my Japanese) "I wanted to see what our grandfathers had done. Our generation still can't believe it."

by Eric Davis (guest) rate this post as useful

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