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Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/6/29 00:53

I too think this organization "Labo-Exchange" will give you useful advice.


by JnkN rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/6/29 00:58
This is kind of off topic, but my friend who also wants to go to Japan acted very hyperactive yesterday, and I'm starting to think he has a neurological problem. He's not being accepted very well in the United States already, so I think there's a lower chance he'd be accepted in Japan.
by Teen interested in Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/6/30 12:09
the journey is now yours and yours alone.
by Jake21 rate this post as useful

Issue 2013/7/6 22:26
First my mom is against it, and now my dad is.
He thinks it's a terrible idea since Japan is on the other side of the world and we don't know anyone there. While a couple we know at our church's son lives in Okinawa because he was stationed there, he lives in the base. He says he's also worried about me getting lost and not being able to speak Japanese and other stuff like that.
I've been telling my parents about the Labo exchange program, but they think that me being gone away for one MONTH is a bad idea and that I'd have to save up all the money to pay for the airfare. As I said, I'm only 13 and have NO WHERE near that amount, and I don't know how long it would take me to save it up.
Why does it have to be like this?
by Teen interested in Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/7 16:25
Mention to them how most signs have English.
by SSJ Jup81 rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/8 05:22
Mention to them how most signs have English.
I've already told my dad that, but it feels like he doesn't listen to me on this subject.
Also, I have no idea how to pay for airfare. I've heard suggestions to use Kickstarter, but I don't know if that would work.
by Teen interested in Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 00:06
I'm 19 and when I was your age I was excatly like you all about japan and would have killed to fly off and experience the culture. No, my parents didn't let me not even one bit! Yes it sucked majorly. Yes im older now in college, with a job. I could go now if I wanted to. I have an income and straight A's to get me into an exchange program. But between school, work, and an internship its just not possible. Do I still want to go to Japan?? Of course!!! But what I have learned is when you are young and a minor with no authority over what you do the stars aren't aligned in your favor. But please don't give up on your dreams. I took my love for japanese culture and motivated myself to do the best in school while I was younger and even more now in college where I get nothing less than an A. Why? So I can build a career for myself where I can make decent money to say "I AM GOING TO JAPAN AND NO ONE IS GOING TO STOP ME" and do it. Yes I'll probably be in my 20's when it happens but as long as I get to realize that dream timing isn't so muh a factor right? If you find a way to get there while your young GREAT if you don't its ok give yourself time and if you really want it you'll find a way somehow to get there! DONT GIVE UP JUST GIVE YOURSELF TIME DO YOUR RESEARCH AND DONT GIVE UP!!! By the way I live in Florida :)
by souleater18 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 00:21
I do plan on moving there when I'm 20.
by Teen interested in Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 00:40
That is if they let you. You can't just move there because you want to; immigration laws are much more strict than in the US and you're definitely going to stick out, not like in the US.
by Justin (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 09:57
immigration laws are much more strict than in the US

Just fyi, Japan's immigration laws are actually rather lenient and straightforward compared to US immigration law. Basically anyone can get in if they fulfill the minimum requirements.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 10:19
At 20, most Americans don't meet those minimum requirements, sadly to say. Maybe "move" is not as long-term as he thought for that age?
by John B digs Japan rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 10:52
At 20, most Americans don't meet those minimum requirements, sadly to say.
Well, I had planned on going to a university in Japan and then I could try to get a career there.
by Teen interested in Japan (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 10:58
There's not much you can do right now if your parents won't support you (financially and otherwise) for a homestay/study abroad. But frankly I don't think you are missing out on all that much. In my opinion the best option is to study abroad in Japan for a year of college and see where that ends up taking you. Don't worry, you have lots of time to prepare.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Re: Ways I can get to Japan sooner? 2013/7/9 11:00
Unless he gets a job with a company that has a Japanese branch and get a transfer, I doubt most 20 year olds have the min requirements to settle here for the long term.

As for the OP maybe you can keep trying to persuade your folks to let you do the exchange. Give your parents some statistics of the low crime rates or explain the benefits of doing a cultural exchange....although given your age, I can understand your parents' hesitance.
by SSJ Jup81 rate this post as useful

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