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no alienation card 2008/7/25 17:01
I called citibank in Japan and they said they need me to have an alienation card in order to open a bank account. I would like to know if I dont have an alienation card, where can I open a bank account?

Appreciate any help.

by Candy rate this post as useful

... 2008/7/25 17:19
It's "alien registration card." This is a card you need to have if you intend to stay in Japan for over 90 days (I forgot the exact number of days) and is your ID while you are residing in Japan. So you will need to have this if you are staying for an extended time. And if you have an address in Japan, you can apply and get this card even if you are staying for a shorter time.

Please read the other posts on this thread. If you are in another country, meaning, you do not have any address in Japan, you cannot open a bank account.
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2008/7/25 23:37
As mentioned, its an "Alien Registration Card", more specifically a Certificate of Alien Registration. Eg you are residing in Japan with a Japanese Address. The mere possession of one, or just having a Japanese address doesn't guarantee one can open an account, because people on "Temporary Visitor" status can get one too. It has to be a Visa status other then "Temporary Visitor/Tourist".

You have to be in living in Japan, no Japanese bank will open you a account with proof.

by John rate this post as useful

What happens after I leave Japan? 2008/10/14 06:18
Great info from everyone. I understand that in order to open a bank account you must obtain an alien registration card by living in Japan for at least 90 days.

After opening a Japanese bank account....will the account close once I leave Japan?

Thanks ahead.
by drab rate this post as useful

bank account 2008/10/14 07:13
I suppose if you left it for many years without using it, the bank would close it eventually, but otherwise no, the banks don't know you have left Japan unless you tell them, so they won't close your account unless you ask them to.
by Sira rate this post as useful

Depends !! but really tough 2009/7/8 13:25
It depends, if u r Japanese ...u can easily.
But if u r not then ....i got a pain lot.Either u should be with hanko, alian card and should understand japanese.
Finally I found one bank which can do it all for u ....shinsei bank.They have everything in english and u can open bank account only with alian card...thts most imp.
by Vaibhav Pansare (guest) rate this post as useful

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